- ESU Board Meeting 87
- Study Session Budapest
- Erasmus for ALL Final Conference
- European Students' Convention 48
- WISE Final Conference
- ESU Board Meeting 88
- ESU Board Meeting 86
- Students emPower Education!
- European Students’ Convention 47
- 1st ESU’s Conference event
- ESU Board Meeting 85
- European Students' Convention 46
- ESU Board Meeting 84
- European Students' Convention 45
- Board Meeting 80 - Brussels, Belgium (online)
- European Students' Convention 42 - Berlin, Germany (online)
- European Students' Convention 43 - Aveiro, Portugal
- Board Meeting 82 - Paris, France
- Board Meeting 83 - Prague, Czech Republic
- Call for Trainers! Peer Education for Social Sustainability - Do your part!
- ESU - 41st European Students' Convention powered by FAIRe
- Students' Meeting during the EUA's 2020 L&T Forum - February 17, 16:00 CET
- STUPS Meeting – M2
- Mainstreaming Social Dimension in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): Implementation of a National Strategy
- ESU Board Meeting 79 (Online)
- TMF interactive online training seminar
- European Students' Convention 40
- (Train4Health) 2nd Webinar: Advancing self-care support for people with chronic diseases
- Kick-off Meeting of the 'Bologna with Stakeholders Eyes, For a Stronger Future of the Bologna Process' Project
- 2020 Online European Quality Assurance Forum
- Train4Health: Webinar #1
- E-conference ''Futures of Education: How do students see it?" - by UNESCO for ESU membership
- 4th webinar on e-learning: 'Recognition: Routes for academic progress'
- Justice for Every Child - with Nobel peace prize laureate Kailash Satyarthi
- 3rd Webinar on Quality and quality assurance of e-learning
- Webinar: COVID-19 and changing policies for student assessment
- Webinar on transition from secondary to higher education
- 2nd Webinar on E-Assessment
- ESU Board Meeting 78 (Online)
- 1st webinar on E-learning: From emergency provision to better learning opportunities?
- Q&A webinar: Discussing the COVID-19 implications on Erasmus+ students
- Stream now the webinar "European Universities: It is all about students"
- STUPS Project Meeting in Linz
- European Youth Event in Strasbourg
- Train4Health Project Meeting (online)
- TPG-LRC Project Meeting in Paris
- Meeting for Students at the Learning and Teaching Forum 2020
- 3rd Meeting of the Bologna Peer Support Group on QA Peer Learning Activity
- European Students' Convention 39
- SciShops Symposium: Science-Community Engagement Practices for the Future
- Study Session “LEVEL UP TO EUR-UP”
- University Refugee Forum
- QA EXP Student Expert Training & Kick-off Meeting in Brussels, Belgium
- 14th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) in Berlin
- STUPS Kick-off Meeting in Evora, Portugal
- Kick-off Meeting of Train4Health
- Peer Review Activity in Bucharest
- EUniQ Workshop "Towards a Quality Assurance Framework for European Universities" in Rome
- Conference in Brussels on Education/Africa/Development issues
- Conference with ECRE and UNHCR in Brussels
- Meeting at the European Parliament with Education International
- Monitoring visit in Germany for a TMF project
- 14th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF)
- DEQAR Conference and EQAR Members’ Dialogue
- ESU Board Meeting 77
- European Students' Convention 38
- Breakfast Roundtable: University Social Responsibility - ESSA project
- Together, Moving Forward Capacity Building Event
- European Students' Convention 37
- ESU Board Meeting 76 and Board Meeting Seminar
- Bologna with Student Eyes: the final countdown |Publication launch
- European Students' Convention 36
- ESU Board Meeting 75
- ESU Board Meeting Seminar and Board Meeting 74
- EQUIP Breakfast Event: Registrations now open
- Study Session: Queer feminist principles as the fabric of a modern, peaceful and socially just European society
- European Students' Convention 35
- European Student Convention 34
- Together, Moving Forward Capacity Building Event
- ESU Board Meeting 73 and Board Meeting Seminar
- European Students' Convention 33
- ESU Board Meeting 72 and Board Meeting Seminar
- ESU Board Meeting 71 and Board Meeting Seminar
- European Students' Convention 32
- ESU Board Meeting 70 and Board Meeting Seminar
- European Students' Convention 31
- ESU Board Meeting 69 and Board Meeting Seminar
- 30th European Students’ Convention and PASCL Second Annual Conference
- ESU Board Meeting 68 and Board Meeting seminar
- European Students' Convention 29
- ESU Board Meeting 67
- 9th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF)
- European Students' Convention 28 and PASCL First Annual Conference
- BM66 and CoSMiCE
- European Students' Convention 27
- European Students' Convention 27
- Deadline: Students Experts' Pool on Quality Assurance
- ESU Board Meeting 65 and Board Meeting Seminar
- European Students' Convention 26
- SAGE: Study Visit and National Debate in Spain
- SAGE: Study Visit and National Debate in Denmark
- ESU Board Meeting 64 and Board Meeting Seminar
- ESU Board Meeting 64 and Board Meeting Seminar
- European Students' Convention 25
- FINST Final Conference
- ESU Board Meeting 63
- QUEST for Quality Conference
- European Students' Convention 24
- European Students' Convention 24
- QUEST Workshop 3
- Roundtable on Employability
- ESU Board Meeting 62
- FINST European Training on Financing
- European Students' Convention 23
- Quest - Workshop 2
- FINST Consultation Seminar
- ESU BM61 + Seminar
- European Students' Convention 22
- 13/07-16/07 QUEST QA Pool Workshop
- FINST Launch Conference
- 60th Board Meeting of European Students' Union
- Conference: Towards a National Qualifications Framework
- Conference: Bologna Process and Lisbon Strategy
- ESU Summer Camp
- Financial Standing Orders (BM86)
- Human Rights and Solidarity Strategy (BM86)
- Student Rights Charter
- BM86: ESU resolution on European Parliament Elections
- BM86: Resolution on Establishing Enhanced Relations between the European Union and Armenia
- BM86: Resolution on the unfair attacks FEF is facing
- BM86: Academic Freedom, Higher Education Institutions must take responsibility
- BM86: Nursing sciences
- BM86: No to Berlin's Ordnungsrecht - Effective prevention instead of symbolic punitive measures
- BM86: Student democracy in danger
- BM86: Medical education: a choice without a choice
- BM86: Resolution on developments in transnational education
- BM86: Trans Healthcare & Liberation
- BM86: Resolution on Fundamental Values, Education for Democracy and Citizenship Education
- BM86: Resolution on study financing for Dutch students
- BM86: Resolution on admission fees to higher education institutions in Lithuania
- BM86: Resolution on the Protection of the Access to Higher Education in Austria
- BM86: The student movement against anti democratic groups
- BM86: Students should not be forced to rely on work to study!
- BM86: Resolution on supporting Hungarian Students' Participation in Erasmus+
- BM86: Resolution on Prevention of Sexual Misconduct and Safe Environment promotion in Higher Education
- BM86: Resolution Paper on Work Limitations for Non-EU Undergraduate International Students
- BM86: ESU's message towards the 2024 Tirana Ministerial Conference
- Statement on Forcibly Displaced and Refugee Students (BM86)
- Statement of ESN, ESU and EUF to the re-start of the negotiations between EU and Switzerland
- ESU Statement regarding student protests in Greece on the reform of higher education
- ESU’s position on sustainable and attractive academic careers
- ESU’s position on the European Degree (label)
- ESU’s position on the Council Recommendation on Quality Assurance and Recognition
- ESU Standing Orders (BM85)
- Policy Paper on Social Dimension – BM85
- End Gender-Based Violence Against Students - BM85
- Statement on Artificial Intelligence – BM85
- Joint statement by ESU and ŠRVŠ against the attacks on students of the Slovak government
- A Call for Solidarity and Humanitarian Aid for Sudanese Students and Youth Affected by War
- BM85: ESU supports VVS in its call for a Students at Risk programme in Flanders
- BM85: Erasmus+, the negotiations must be conducted responsibly.
- BM85: Democracy is at risk in Italy, even within HEIs
- BM85: Access to the healthcare system should not be a luxury!
- BM85: Access To The Teaching Profession Should Not Be A Privilege!
- BM85: Resolution in Support of the Ukrainian Draft Law on Expanding the Rights of Students and Student Self-Government
- BM85: ESU condemns the proposed raise in tuition fees and tightening of immigration policies in Finland
- BM85: Empowering Students Affected by Climate-Induced Disasters
- BM85: Resolution against the attack on funding for Swedish National Union of Students
- BM85: Ending the UK's Hostile Environment
- BM85: Resolution on free menstrual products for students in Faroese Higher Education Institutions
- BM85: Resolution on mental health services in the Faroe Islands
- BM85: Resolution in support of the student assistants movement in Germany
- BM85: International students in danger : a bill to be rejected
- BM85: Requisition of student accommodation for national and international sport events
- BM85: Defending the Rights and Educational Opportunities of Belarusian Citizens Abroad
- BM85: Bulgarian and Romanian Schengen accession - a pathway to seamless educational integration and intercultural cooperation for students
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy for the European Students’ Union (ESU) 2024-2026
- Solidarity with the people in Nagorno-Karabakh
- ESU feedback on the Council Recommendation on improving the provision of digital skills in education and training
- ESU feedback on the Council Recommendation on the key enabling factors for successful digital education and training
- #FreePatrick - The International Student Movement Stands in Solidarity with Patrick Zaki
- Statement on Education for sustainable development
- Statement on the future of the Bologna Process
- Internationalisation and Mobility Policy Paper - BM84
- BM84: Supporting the system of subsidised student meals
- BM84: Strengthening student representation within the framework of the European Alliances of Higher Education Institutions
- BM84: Stop the Introduction of Tuition Fees in Norway
- BM84: Resolution on violence on campuses
- BM84: Resolution on the Icelandic Student Loan Fund
- BM84: Resolution on the association of the Faroe Islands to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
- BM84: Resolution on the AI advances and its impact on higher education
- BM84: Resolution on Italian Students' Mental Well-Being
- BM84: Resolution on insufficient funding for scholarships in Italy
- BM84: Resolution on good working conditions in HEIs
- BM84: Protecting Institutional Autonomy: Resolution on a shortened time period for HEI Board Members in Sweden
- BM84: Resolution on the right of students to safe and legal abortion
- BM84: Solidarity in calling upon the European institutions and countries to condemn the ongoing blockade by Azerbaijan
- BM84: European students call on the UK to re-associate with Erasmus+
- BM84: Ensure Quality Internships,Traineeships and Apprenticeships in Europe
- BM84: Autonomy of student organisations
- BM84: Access to higher education for non-european students
- BM84: Resolution on ESU’s support towards European integration of Georgia
- Financial Standing Orders (BM84)
- ESU Conference of the student bodies of the European alliances of higher education institutions (BM84)
- Code of Conduct (BM84)
- European students want Switzerland to be re-associated with Erasmus+
- Students remember and will never be indifferent
- ESU endorses ECW campaign to empower students and youth in humanitarian funds management
- ESU and HÖOK call for urgent solutions to guarantee Hungarian students' participation in Erasmus+
- ESU Contribution to the Report of the Special Rapporteur
- The European Students' Union condemns the ban on women and girls from education in Afghanistan and calls for immediate support
- ESU’s contribution to the Mid-Term Review of the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- BM83: Statement on the future of Student-Centered Learning
- ESU’s contribution to the public consultation on 2023 – European Year of Skills
- BM83: Statement on Academic Integrity
- BM83: Resolution on Student Manifesto - 24 proposals for the 2024 European Elections
- BM83: Resolution on international solidarity against the Iranian regime
- BM83: Resolution on the Development of Automatic Recognition Processes in Europe
- BM83: Resolution on the financing of the European Universities alliances
- BM83: Resolution on Public Prices and Consecutive Enrolment Fees in Spanish Universities
- BM83: Resolution on University Building Rehabilitation
- BM83: The exclusion of students from the Dutch energy subsidy
- BM83: Resolution against Gender-based Violence: We Live in Unsafe Spaces.
- BM83: Resolution against Student Repression: Schools and HEIs must be a safe space where no act of repression is allowed
- BM83: Resolution on University Students Housing emergency
- BM83: Resolution: Voting is a right, also for non-resident students!
- BM83: Resolution on Rooms for Lunch: All HEIs should give students the possibility to eat their meal in an indoor space
- BM83: Resolution against Student Repression: Schools and HEIs must be a safe space where no act of repression is allowed
- Statutes (BM83)
- ESU Resolution on student poverty – ‘Education is freezing’
- Students demand a more social economic
governance framework - Trial of University of Bologna student in Egypt postponed again
- ŠRVŠ and ESU condemn hate crimes against LGBTQI+ community in Slovakia
- The European Students’ Union stands in solidarity with students and protesters in Iran and demands the cessation of violence against them!
- Statement of Ukrainians Studying Abroad Blocked At The Borders
- Erasmus+ for Ukraine: flexibility is not enough, we need fresh funds!
- BM82 - Gender Mainstreaming Strategy
- BM82 - ESU'S vision on European Higher Education policies
- BM86 - Plan of Work 2024-2025
- BM82 - Annex on Brain Drain
- The European Students' Union among the 159 organisations calling the European Commission to societal accountability on the "RebuildUkraine" platform.
- BM82: Resolution on inadmissibility of discrimination against students from Belarus
- BM82: Resolution against the student loans scheme proposed by the Romanian Government
- BM82: Resolution on Spain's new Organic Law for Universities
- BM82: Resolution on the closing of university faculties and services due to the rise in combustible and electricity prices in Spain
- BM82: Resolution on the legal statute for alliances of Higher Education Institutions and on the European degree
- The European Students’ Union and the Erasmus Student Network to the European Parliament CULT Committee chair: it is time to involve the right stakeholders!
- Revision of the Gender Mainstreaming Strategy
- BM82: Resolution on support of the potential granting of Ukraine the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union
- Statement on Adapting Erasmus+ to support Ukrainian students and staff
- Statement on the concerning 'scientific activity and higher education act' proposal on the position of students' representatives in the Republic of Croatia
- The European Youth and Higher Education Community to the European governments: support Ukrainian students and academics!
- European Union Higher Education package: a first step on a long journey
- Statement addressing the renewed Russian Aggression towards Ukraine
- Statement: Students' expectations, hopes and criticisms towards the upcoming 6th EU - AU Summit in Brussels
- BM81 Policy Paper on Quality of Higher Education - 2021
- Strategic Priorities 2022-2024
- EEA governance: the triumph of intergovernmentalism, very little space for stakeholders
- BM81: Resolution on cases of appalling conditions in universities dormitories
- BM81: Resolution on the consultation process of the new Spanish universities legislation
- BM81: Resolution on Persecutions in Belarusian Academia and Deficiencies of Student Support Programs for Exiled
- BM81: Resolution on Dutch study financing 56-hour rule for international students
- BM81: Student manifesto on the future of Higher Education in Europe
- BM81: Resolution on the re-association of Switzerland to Erasmus+
- Membership Strategy (BM81)
- Solidarity Statement on the re-association of Switzerland to the Erasmus+ Programme
- Solidarity Statement on the International Youth Day - Date Proposal in Ukraine
- Statement on the political situation in Afghanistan
- Austrian student on a hunger strike in Egyptian prison after an unjust verdict: Free Ahmed Samir!
- ESU’s Reaction to the EU Council conclusions on the European Universities: let's do it right for students' interest
- Statement on Anti-Semitism
- BM80: Plan of Work 2021-2022
- BM80: Student Rights Charter
- BM80: Statement on Internationalisation at Home
- BM80: Statement on Micro-credentials
- BM80: Resolution on cases of human rights violations by Ukrainian universities
- BM80: Next Generation EU can not avoid considering the next generation
- BM80: More humane immigration services for international students in Finland
- BM80: Resolution on the attacks on student self governance
- BM80: Structural changes of higher education in Hungary
- BM80: Resolution on Human Rights Crisis in Academia in Belarus in the period December 2020 – May 2021
- BM80: Resolution on grant system for students in the Netherlands
- Next Generation EDU: Invest in Education for the Next Generation!
- BM 79: Statement of Housing and Transport
- Statement on Period Poverty and Menstrual Health and Hygiene on International Women’s Day
- Joint statement: Russian universities must remain free from authoritarianism
- Students criticize the elimination of free rail transport
- Solidarity statement on the political interference in the call for enrollment into higher education programmes in Slovenia
- Solidarity statement on students' protests in Turkey
- Solidarity statement on interference in the autonomy of student organisations in Montenegro
- 2020 Mental Health Charter
- Solidarity statement
- Strategic Political Priorities (Annex to the 2018-2020)
- Statement on the EHEA Ministerial Conference 2020
- Statement of Belarusian Students’ Association (BSA)
- BM 79: Resolution on structural changes of higher education in Hungary and the institutional autonomy of the University of Theatre and Film Arts
- BM 79: Resolution on Freedom of Expression in France
- BM 79: Resolution on the participation of non-EU countries in Erasmus+
- BM79: Resolution on student and human rights in Thailand
- BM79: Resolution on the detrimental effects of Covid-19 pandemic for students and their rights in Slovenia
- BM79: Resolution on the Acting Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhii Shkarlet
- BM79: Resolution on pressure on Academia in Belarus
- BM79: Solidarity in calling upon the European institutions and countries to condemn the ongoing violations by Turkey and Azerbaijan
- ESU’s vision for the European Education Area
- Student Arrests in Belarus
- Statement on the Presidential Elections in Belarus
- Student unions call for Democracy, Prosperity and Stability
- Looking into the next academic year through the recommendations from students
- Joint Statement on Plagiarism
- New European Universities and the old challenges
- Securing an EU-UK agreement on future participation in the Erasmus+ programme: a reminder that international opportunities for students are at the heart of any association agreement
- ESU reacts to the acts of brutality and racism that led to the death of George Floyd
- European Students’ Union review of Human Rights Violations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Call for Belarus to implement national Stay-at-Home measures
- COVID-19 Position Paper: A multidimensional crisis that affects us all
- BM77: Statement on Sustainability
- 2019 Human Rights and Solidarity Strategy
- 2019 Social Dimension Policy Paper
- BM77: Transforming brain drain into brain circulation in South Eastern Europe
- BM77: Student Precarity in France
- BM77: Resolution on Improving the Accessibility of Higher Education for people with refugee backgrounds and seeking asylum
- BM77: Resolutions on students’ rights violations in Belarus
- BM77: ESU supports the demands of VSS-UNES-USU to strengthen Swiss Higher Education System
- BM77: Resolution on the Political Crisis in Malta
- BM77: Fighting for students’ rights in Higher Education Institutions for Music and Arts in Italy
- BM77: Future of Bologna
- BM77: European Universities: It Is About the Students
- BM77: ESU Calls for the Immediate Release of Georgian Physician and Lecturer
- BM77: Solidarity with Students’ Demands for a functional Democracy in Hong Kong
- ESU & ESN “Joint Position Paper on the Future of ERASMUS+”
- 2019 Internationalisation and Mobility Policy Paper
- BM76: Statement on Digitalisation
- BM76: Resolution on the uncertain future of the European Student Card
- BM76: Resolution on the National Student Survey
- BM76: Resolution on the recent violation of student rights in Belarus
- BM76 Resolution: Fighting the abolishment of the GA travelcard for students in Switzerland
- BM76 Resolution: ESU supports the European citizen initiative “housing for all”
- BM76 Resolution: Increase of the registration fees of higher education in France (Part 2)
- BM76: Resolution on Private Universities in Spain
- BM76 Resolution: Student Representation in National Quality Assurance Agencies in Malta and Montenegro
- BM76 Resolution: The Definition of Student Standard in Croatia
- BM76 Resolution: Higher Education Institutions’ student representative bodies in the Republic of Croatia
- BM76 Resolution: National funding of Croatian Student Council
- BM76 Resolution: Safe education for students from Western Sahara
- BM76:Resolution Regarding the University of Iceland (UI) performing age assessment via dental x-rays on unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors as a service to the Icelandic Directorate of Immigration
- BM76: Students’ perspective on the first cycle of European Universities, towards the second call
- BM76: Statement on Countering Commodification in Higher Education
- Plan of Work
- BM76: Romanian students claim 25% participation in rector’s elections
- BM75: Statement on quality and fair internships
- BM75: Anti-discrimination Statement
- BM75: Combating Anti-Semitism: student unions to take responsibility
- BM75: Campaigning for free education in Finland
- BM75: Student’s debt
- BM75: Fight for a better BAföG
- BM75: Budget cuts in Higher Education
- BM75: ESU stands against increased debt for students in Norway
- BM75: Student involvement in external quality assurance procedures in Latvia
- BM75: Statement Regarding European Parliament Elections 2019
- BM75: ESU stands against the increase of the tuition fees for international students in France
- BM75: ESU supports protests in Tübingen against Underfunding and Prestige Projects
- BM75: Resolution regarding climate change
- BM75: European Students stand behind Colombian Students
- BM75: Resolution on Study places for International Students Denmark
- BM75: Resolution Students for Academic Integrity
- Plan of Work 2018
- BM75: A critical analysis of the European Commission’s call for the European Universities Alliances
- BM75: Resolution supporting student protests at University of Pristina temporally settled in North Mitrovica
- Plan of Work 2016
- BM74: Statement on The Future of Education in Europe and a prospective European Education Area
- BM74: Resolution on Reproductive Rights in Ireland
- BM74: Resolution on #metoo movement
- BM74: Protocols for prevention and detection of sexual harassment, sexist harassment and harassment due to sexual orientation
- BM74: Resolution on Horizon 2020
- BM74: Resolution on free access to Higher Education
- BM74: Resolution on police violence against students
- BM74: Resolution on short cycles systems
- BM74: Solidarity with Carinthian-Slovenian Students regarding the annual fascist march in Pliberk/Bleiburg
- BM74: Resolution on outlaw tuition fees in Italy
- BM74: Support to protesting students in Armenia
- BM74: Resolution against student hotels in the Netherlands
- BM74: Resolution on Societal Service in the Netherlands
- BM74: Standing in Solidarity with the NUS-UK on Brexit
- BM74: Resolution regarding support to continuing free higher education in Estonia
- BM74: Resolution on Students rights to partake in decision-making and to speak up
- BM74: Resolution on ERASMUS+ and the funding of the pillar of social rights
- BM74: Statement to the Ministerial Conference
- Strategic Political Priorities 2018 to 2020
- BM73: Resolution On Funding of the Quality Assurance System in the Czech Republic
- BM73: Resolution on the International Students’ Day Public Holiday in the Czech Republic
- BM73: Solidarity with NUS UK on Brexit
- BM73: Language learning and teaching as a minority right
- Bm73: Resolution on the issue of financial aid available for Hungarian students
- BM73: Legislative Changes to Ukrainian Higher Education Law
- BM73: ESU claims social dimension back on the political agenda in Austria
- BM73: ESU stands with ÖH against fascism and discrimination
- BM73: Resolution on extension of the Bologna Road Map in Belarus
- BM73: Students denied democratic representation at the Social Summit
- BM73: Call for stand with Armenian students in preventing the law on mandatory military service for students
- Plan of work 2019
- BM72: Statement on the experiences and rights of LGBT+ students
- BM72: ESU calls the Ministry of Education in Belarus to properly implement the Bologna reforms.
- BM72: Students’ rights threatened by the rise of extreme-right wing in Europe
- BM72: Support for student representation
- BM72: Students’ rights threatened by the rise of extreme-right wing in Europe
- BM72: Resolution regarding PhD grants in Estonia
- BM72: Student Involvement in Quality Assurance in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
- BM72: Resolution against the rise of tuition fees for international students
- BM72: Reinvestment in education
- BM72: Psychological complains and disorders of students
- BM72: On the controversial law amendment on the operation of foreign higher educational institutions in Hungary
- BM72: Membership of Switzerland in Erasmus+
- BM72: European Student Union (ESU) Master application in the Netherlands
- BM72: ESU condemns repressions on students and NGOs in Belarus
- BM72: ESU calls on Belarusian authorities to abolish obligatory work placement for the graduates
- BM72: Academic freedom within European Higher Education Area
- BM72: A call to support LANDSSAMTÖK ÍSLENSKRA STÚDENTA against the underfunding of Icelandic Universities
- BM72: “Studienplatzfinanzierung” = Restriction to the access to Higher Education
- BM 71 Statement on the role of education in promoting peaceful and cohesive societies
- BM 71 Statement on the New Skills Agenda for Europe
- BM71: Tuition fees and accessible higher education
- BM71: Staffing autonomy in Italy
- BM71: Referendum on the University of Amsterdam
- BM71: Performance based funding in the Netherlands
- BM71: No tuition fees in Germany
- BM71: Local student voting rights
- BM71: Language Regulations Higher Education in Flanders
- BM71:Keep education in Denmark free and independent
- BM71: French presidential election
- BM71: Freedom of Movement after Brexit
- BM71: European Students claim for the inclusion of all stakeholders in the negotiations towards the Spanish National Pact on Education
- BM71: ESU calls for the right of free organising of the independent Belarus’ student organisations and other NGOs
- BM71: 15 Students’ Priorities for an Effective and Qualitative Higher Education System
- BM71: Participation of Switzerland in Erasmus+
- BM71: Students call on the Finnish Minister of Education to uphold access to HE to all students on an equal basis
- 2018 Introduction to ESU’s policies in higher education
- 2020 Policy Paper on Public Responsibility, Financing and Governance of Higher Education
- BM70: An equitable grant system for all students
- BM70: Autonomy and Independence of the student movement in Slovenia is under attack
- BM70: ESU welcomes Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture
- BM70: European Students stand behind Colombian students’ and defend their right to speech
- BM70: European Students urge the Spanish Government to establish a grant system based on equality
- BM70: German Federal Constitutional Court about Quality Assurance
- BM70: Bergen Declaration – uniting for a global student voice
- BM70: Student representation in working groups for new law on higer education
- BM70: Labour market measures affecting students
- 2015 Policy Paper on Social Dimension
- European Students call for pan-European and proactive solidarity with refugees
- BM69: Education must be excluded from the scope of trade agreements of EU, EEA and EFTA
- BM69: COP21 Resolution “Act local, think global”
- BM69: Danish Government must uphold funding for Global Partnership for Education
- BM69: Education cuts in Denmark
- BM69: ESU commits to actively fight racism and hate-speech
- BM69: ESU supports Higher Education Law Reform in Republic of Srpska
- BM69: Finland must take prompt action to adopt the National Qualifications
- BM69: Quality doesn’t grow on Fees
- BM69: Resolution to urge the Spanish candidates to support the Vote For Education Manifesto
- BM69: UK to remain a part of European Union
- Plan of work 2017
- 2015 Human Rights and Solidarity Strategy
- ESU calls for more support for the Safe Schools Declaration
- BM 68 - #BringBackOurGirls - a reminder
- BM 68 - Stand up for the LGBTQ youth - Supporting IDAHOT2015
- BM 68 - Statement on the Government Negotiations in Finland
- BM 68 - ESU and its members pledge support for the Paris-agenda
- BM 68 - Resolution against “turbo grants” for Norwegian students
- BM 68 - Not-binding admission test in Flanders, Belgium
- BM 68 - Support to the National Assembly of Students’ Councils of the Republic of Bulgaria, NASC
- BM 68 - Commodification of part-time education
- BM 68 - Marriage Equality in Ireland
- BM 68 - ESU stands in solidarity with Romanian students
- BM 68 - ESU advocates for a common concrete European Migration Policy
- BM 68 - Supporting the construction of the Eurolatinoamerican Knowledge Area
- BM 68 - European Students’ Union calls for the abolishment of “Tvangsmerit” (forced credit transfer)
- BM 68 - ESU supports the Swiss Grant Initiative
- BM 68 - Statement on the Juncker Ten-Point Plan and its impact on EU Higher Education Policy
- ESU Supports IDAHOT 2015 and calls to Stand up for LGBT Youth
- BM 68 Statement on the EHEA Ministerial Conference
- Plan of work 2015
- Strategic Political Priorities 2015 to 2017
- BM 67 - Statement on the EU2020 mid-term review and ET2020 follow-up
- BM 67 - Academic freedom in Denmark
- BM 67 - ESU supports the Swiss Grant Initiative
- BM 67 - Resolution on visa directive 2004/114
- BM 67 - European students applaud the rejection of tuition fees in Finland
- BM 67 - Uphold the accreditation of individual study programmes in the Netherlands
- BM 67 - Oppose the abolishment of Dutch student grants
- BM 67 - Actions against TTIP
- BM 67 - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
- BM 67 - ESU supports actions against the Akademikerball in Vienna
- BM 66 - 'Zero-hour' contracts and casualisation of work
- BM 66 - Women in Leadership
- BM 66 - Students oppose the commodification of higher education and science
- BM 66 - Students at risk
- BM 66 - Student health care
- BM 66 - Resolution to condemn the imposing attitude and the denial of the Spanish government
- BM 66 - Resolution expressing concern about the contents of a recent legislation in Malta
- BM 66 - Quality higher education in the post-2015 development agenda
- BM 66 - Protecting male student rights in Armenia
- BM 66 - No limits to deductible expenses for obtaining higher education in Latvia
- BM 66 - ESU supports the Iranian student activist leader Bahareh Hedyat
- BM 66 - ESU calls for students participation to be ensured in further developments in Ukraine
- BM 66 - ESU against unequal treatment of foreign students in Switzerland
- BM 66 - Endangered accessibility
- BM 66 - Democracy is the core value of the EU - remember to vote!
- BM 66 - Defend the disabled students allowance in England
- BM 66 - Corporate tax arrangements
- BM 66 - Call for more quality of HE through a refinancing in Belgium
- BM 66 - #BringOurDaughtersBack - Campaign
- Joint letter by ESU, EUL and Open Republic to President of the Russian Federation
- Students of Europe to world leaders: Let Ukraine decide its own fate
- Support letter to the National Assembly of Students’ Councils of the Republic of Bulgaria, NASC
- Stop violence in Ukraine
- ESU calls for more support for the Safe Schools Declaration
- Support to the UK universities taking a stand against unpaid internships
- BM 66 - Solidarity with students in Venezuela
- Kaunas declaration
- The European Students Union condemns all acts of aggression on the LGBTQ community by governments
- Vote for Education - Manifesto
- Plan of Work 2014
- BM 65 - Investment in education and training must be a priority for any government
- BM 65 - European students support the fight against the implementation of study-reform in Denmark
- BM 65 - Housing supplement for the students of Iceland
- BM 65 - Resolution to keep the Dutch government from the privatisation of higher education
- BM 65 - ESU calls for fostering academic integrity across the higher educational institutions
- BM 65 - The European Commission is threatening the open and neutral internet
- BM 65 - 6% of GDP for Romanian education
- BM 65 - Europe needs to fight back against the awaking Neo-Fascist/Neo-Nazis movements
- BM 65 - ESU stands in solidarity with Western Saharan students
- BM 65 - LGBTQ rights in Ireland
- BM 65 - A living wage- fair pay and conditions for young workers
- BM 65 - Resolution to keep the Dutch government from raising tuition fees for honours tracks
- 2013 Introduction to ESU’s policies on higher education
- 2013 Policy paper on public responsibility, governance and financing of higher education
- 2017 Policy paper on quality of higher education (amended)
- 2013 Policy paper on mobility and internationalisation of higher education (amended)
- BM 65 - On the violent actions taken in Ukraine against peaceful protests
- Statement on the rights of students in Syria
- Open letter to the Minister of Education in Iceland
- Support letter for Studentarad Haskola Islands
- Abent brev til Islands uddannelseminister
- Support letter to SHI
- Support letter to SHI
- Support letter to Icelandic students
- Solidarity and Support letter of the Student Union of Latvia
- Solidarity Support Letter of the Austrian Students Union
- A statement of support for Studentarad Haskola Islands
- Support letter for students in Iceland
- Support letter to ANSA
- Strategic Political Priorities 2013 to 2015
- BM 64 - ESU against raising tuition fees for foreign students in Switzerland
- BM 64 - ESU Condemns the commodification of medical studies in France
- BM 64 - Intergenerational equality
- BM 64 - ESU encourages Alþingi to focus on Icelandic students’ grants
- BM 64 - Keeping the Dutch government from financial cuts to grants and changes to public transport
- BM64 - Appropriate and affordable housing for all students
- BM 64 - European students oppose the Master’s Degree Loan Guarantee Scheme
- BM64 - Resolution on the establishment of a scheme for persecuted students
- BM 64 - Pedagogy in higher education from a student’s perspective
- BM 64 - Student discounts in public transportation in the Czech Republic
- BM 64 - On the Law “On Higher Education” in Ukraine
- BM 64 - On the process of designing a new research funding allocation system in Sweden
- Statement on the social dimension
- Statement on guaranteeing a voting right to students on mobility projects
- 2012 Policy Paper "ESU Policy on the Social Dimension"
- BM 63 - Resolution in support of investment in higher education in Iceland
- BM 63 - Resolution against new building regulations in Iceland
- BM 63 - ESU calls for continuing Higher Education Reform in Lithuania
- BM 63 - ESU gravely concerned about tuition fees development in Finland
- BM63 - Support for the Danish student grant system (SU)
- BM63 - ESU calls for legal institution of publicly constituted student bodies in Bavaria
- BM63 - The Swedish Quality Assurance System
- BM63 - Motion of supporting Camila Vallejo and Chilean student movement
- BM 63 - ESU calls for abolition of general tuition fees in Bavaria and Lower Saxony
- BM63 - Higher education as a tool for creating a dialogue between Palestinian and Israeli students
- BM 63 - Economic Crisis, youth and democracy
- BM 63- Support to Serbian students urging an immediate adoption of National Qualifications Framework
- BM 63 - Supporting grant reforms in France
- ESU non-paper on the Erasmus Loan Guarantee Facility for Master Students
- Statement of Support for the Chilean Student Movement
- BM 62 - Support to the Increase of Transparency within HEI Governance in Lithuania
- BM 62 - ESU supports IGLYO’s statement to condemn Russian LGBT ‘propaganda’ law
- BM 62 - Free access to knowledge
- BM 62 - ESU support to Spanish students against the measures adopted by the government on Education
- BM 62 - Resolution of support of Montenegrian Students
- BM 62 - Support on repayment of student loans for parents and public sector workers in Estonia
- BM 62 - Responsible Reforms in Hungary
- BM 62 - ESU resolution on tuition fees in Quebec
- BM 62 - Call for Lithuanian Goverment to concentrate on employability of students
- BM 62 - ESU resolution on degree legal value in Italy
- BM 62 - ESU calls for more balanced Bologna implementation in EHEA
- BM 62 - Resolution on the reform of the VAT system in Europe
- BM 62 - Support to Syrian’s movement for democracy and call for respect of human rights
- BM 62 - Resolution on Postgraduate Mobility Loans
- ESU Statement on Belarus - 16 March 2012
- 2018 ESU’s Gender Mainstreaming Strategy
- BM 61 - Support for CREUP-QA student experts’ pool
- BM 61 - Solidarity for CREUP
- BM 61 - ESU supports Chilean movement for a free and public higher educational system
- BM 61 - ESU supports student welfare : Student will not pay for the crisis
- BM 61 - Investment in higher education should be a central policy goal for each state
- BM 61 - Cuts on student grants undermine the right to education
- BM 61: Introduction of master vocational studies into Serbian higher education
- BM 61: The right to study, emergency in Italy
- BM 61: Students involvement in Ukraine and legislation changes
- BM 61: External Tuition Fees
- Statement on the future of the ESG and on empowerment of EQAR - BM 61
- Statement on the Modernisation Agenda (BM61)
- ESU Reaction to the Modernisation Agenda
- UN Watch Statement on Belarus - Mattia Zanazzi
- ESU Reaction to the study, published by EURYDICE on Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe
- ESU statement on students' participation in Cyprus
- ESU statement on Israeli students protests
- ESU Statement on Multi-annual Financial Framework EU 2014-2020
- ESU statement on Chile
- BM 60 Statement on Bologna Process towards 2012
- BM 60: G20/ Tallinn Declaration: on sustainable development and economics of knowledge
- BM 60: ESU supports SHI’s demands to raise the basic support rate of the Icelandic government
- BM 60: ESU supports students in Maghreb and Middle East
- BM 60: Euro-mediterranean mobility program
- BM 60: IMF and Higher Education Financing
- BM 60: On the project of Law “On Higher Education” of Ukraine
- BM 60: Internships EU / International institutions
- BM 60: On the situation in Belarus
- BM 60: Statement on HE Hungary on the importance of professional consultation
- BM 60: Fighting the cuts: Dutch Student Unions are taking legal action!
- 2004 Policy Paper "Transnational Education"
- 2004 Programme of Principles
- 2004 Policy Paper "Qualifications Frameworks"
- 2004 Policy Paper "Brain mobility"
- 2005 Policy Paper "Intellectual property"
- 2005 Policy Paper "The General Agreement on the Trade Services - GATS"
- 2005 Policy Paper "Commodification of Education"
- 2006 Policy Paper "The Students' Opinion on the Lisbon Strategy of the European Union"
- 2006 Policy Paper "A social dimension to Higher Education"
- 2006 Policy Paper "Governance in Higher Education"
- 2006 Policy Paper "Doctoral Studies"
- 2007 Policy Paper "ECTS compatible Credit Transfer and Accumulation Systems"
- 2007 Policy Paper "Degree Structures"
- 2008 Students' Rights Charter
- 2008 Policy Paper "Excellence"
- 2008 Policy Paper "Mobility"
- 2008 Towards 2020 - A Student-Centred Bologna Process
- 2009 Policy Paper "Equal Opportunities"
- 2008 Policy Paper "Gender Equality in Higher Education"
- 2010 Policy Paper "Student Centered Learning"
- 2010 Policy Paper "Lifelong learning"
- 2010 Policy Paper "European structures for qualifications" (2001)
- 1999 Policy Paper "Student Rights - Human Rights"
- 1999 Policy Paper "Recognition of Qualifications"
- 1999 Policy Paper "The Fight Against Racism"
- 1999 Policy Paper "NO means NO"
- 1999 Policy Paper "Extended Access to Qualified Higher Education"
- 2000 Policy Paper "Guideline on future discussions on European education"
- 2001 Policy Paper "Student participation in the European Higher Education area"
- 2000 Policy Paper "Vertical Mobility"
- 2001 Policy Paper "European structures for qualifications"
- 2002 Policy Paper "Student visions on a common Europe"
- 2002 Policy Paper "Joint degrees in the context of the Bologna Process"
- 2003 Policy Paper "New Approaches to Student Wellbeing"
- 2003 Policy Paper "New Challenges for a wider perspective on the future of the EHEA"
- 2003 Policy Paper "Equal Opportunities in Higher Education"
- 2003 Policy Paper "ESIB and the Bologna Process"
- 2003 Policy Paper "Quality Assurance and Accreditation"
- 2003 Policy Paper "E-Learning"
- 2004 General Paper on agreed set of standards, procedures and guidelines at European level
- 1999 Policy Paper "Student Welfare into the New Millennium"
- 2010 Policy paper "Social objectives and the economic perspective of the Lisbon Strategy" (2004)
- 2010 Policy Paper "Doctoral Education"
- Assessing the Housing Challenges of International Students: a Collaborative Approach with ESU and ESN
- BWSE 2024
- Belarusian Students’ Association Report: The State of Academia in Belarus 2023
- Quality Assurance Fit forthe Future - Students’perspective
- International student housing report: How are exchange students navigating the housing crisis?
- Exploring students’perceptions of academic freedom, institutional autonomy, and academic integrity in European Higher Education
- Academic freedom project keeps growing !
- Report: Survey on Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy and Academic Integrity from a Student Perspective
- ESU's 2022 in review
- Breaking Barriers: Addressing Inequalities in Higher Education through the SMILE Project
- Knowledge and awareness of fraud in education: a student perspective
- Bologna Process commitments: a way forward
- Civil Society Dialogue on the European Semester
- Belarusian Students’ Association Report: The State of Academia in Belarus 2021
- Belarusian Students' Association Report: The State of Academia in Belarus 2021
- A Comparative Analysis of Mental Health among Higher Education Students
- Guidelines on the TMF Regranting Scheme
- Stonger Together - Towards inclusive student engagement of non-traditional students in Professional Higher Education
- Student Participation – Innovative Practice Guide
- Mainstreaming the Social Dimension in the EHEA. Country and HEI SD profiles
- Student life during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown Europe-wide insights
- Students by day, rebels by night? - Criminalising student dissent in shrinking democracies
- Covid-19 impact on students’ finance in Germany and the Netherlands
- The impact of COVID-19 on higher education: a review of emerging evidence
- Brain Drain in higher education - European context
- Towards a European graduate tracking mechanism: Recommendations of the expert group
- BSA report on academic protests and repression in Belarus
- Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe - 2020: Overview of major reforms since 2015
- Room at the Top: Access and success at leading universities around the world
- Global University Access and COVID-19
- An International Student's Guide to UK University (COVID-19)
- Online Meeting Toolkit: How to create effective online events
- Guide for Effective Stakeholders' Involvement in Quality Assurance
- Recordings and presentations from the 2020 European Quality Assurance Forum
- Study On Stakeholder Involvement In External Quality Assurance
- Democratic Citizenship Education: Guidelines and Recommendations for implementation in Higher Education
- Mapping education and training responses to the health crisis in the EU neighbourhood
- Will My Qualification Be Recognised?
- Community engagement in higher education: trends, practices and policies
- Youth and COVID-19: Response, Recovery and Resilience
- Safeguarding Civic Space for Young People in Europe
- The European Youth Blueprint to Recovery
- Supporting future change agents: An evaluation of the Students at Risk programme 2014-2020
- Mapping and analysis of student-centred learning and teaching practices: usable knowledge to support more inclusive, high-quality higher education
- Higher Education in Emergencies: on the road to 2030
- BWSE 2020
- TMF Projects Portfolio: ADVOCACY
- TMF Projects Portfolio: ACCESS
- Skills for industry curriculum guidelines 4.0
- Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring
- Students guide to e-learning
- Functional Overview Tuition Fees
- Modernization, Education and Human Rights (MEHR) Publications
- LIREQA: Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance
- Enhancing Students Participation in Quality Assurance in Armenian Higher Education (ESPAQ)
- BWSE 2018
- Refugees Welcome
- Key Considerations for Cross-Border Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area
- Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015)
- Student Centred Learning: Toolkit for Students, Staff and Higher Education Institutions
- A joint vision for Secondary and Higher Education for All in Europe
- Students with a Migrant or Ethnic Minority Background
- Activity Report 2015
- Activity Report 2014
- Overview on Student-Centred Learning in Higher Education in Europe
- BWSE 2015
- Bologna with Student Eyes 2015
- SiS Catalyst: Report on internships
- Activity Report 2013
- Black Book of Bologna 2005
- Student Advancement of Graduates Employability: Employability With Students' Eyes
- Student Advancement of Graduates Employability: Student Voices on the Modernisation Agenda
- Student Advancement of Graduates Employability: Student Handbook on Employability
- European elections with students' eyes
- Reader for the 27th European Students' Convention and SAGE Final Conference
- Quest for Quality for Students: A Student Quality Concept
- Quest for Quality for Students: Institutional Analysis
- Quest for Quality for Students: Student Handbook on Quality Assurance
- Quest for Quality for Students: Survey on Students' Perspectives
- Activity Report 2012
- Student Experts' Pool on Quality Assurance
- Compendium on Financing of Higher Education
- Financing Students Toolkit
- Quest for Quality for Students: Going back to basics
- ESU publishes '30th Anniversary' Publication
- ESU consultation report of the MAP-ESG project
- BWSE 2012
- Bologna With Student Eyes 2012
- ESU Activity Report 2011
- Activity Report 2010
- Activity Report 2009
- No student left out - handbook higher education decision making
- BWSE 2010
- BWSE 2009
- BWSE 2007
- BWSE 2005
- BWSE 2003
- UNICOMM Project
- EYE 2023
- ESC Academy Pro
- BWSE FOR2030 (Bologna with Stakeholders Eyes for an Innovative, Inclusive and Interconnected EHEA by 2030)
- TPG-LRC II - Thematic Peer Group on the implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention in EHEA countries
- Erasmus4All
- BHPS II (Bologna Hub Peer Support II)
- WISE (Well-being Innovations for Students in Europe)
- Academic Freedom
- ARENA - Refugees and Recognition (toolkit 3) project
- Assessment Tool and Incentive Systems for Developing Higher Education Teachers’ Performance (ProFFormance)
- Steering Higher Education for Community Engagement (SHEFCE)
- Study Session: Manifesto on Student Mental Health
- CaloheX
- Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training (SMILE)
- Inclusive Engagement of Non-Traditional Students in Professional Higher Education (InclusiPHE)
- Capacity, Tools, Resources and Learning for the European Student Card (ESC TENSION)
- Enhancing the transition of non-traditional students (ENTRANTS)
- Bologna Hub Peer Support
- Leadership and Organisation for Teaching and Learning at European Universities (LOTUS)
- Green Erasmus
- Bologna with Stakeholders Eyes For a Stronger Future of the Bologna Process (BWSE FORward)
- Thematic Peer Group on the implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention in EHEA countries (TPG-LRC)
- Peer Group A: Qualifications Framework (Umbrella Project)
- Quality Assurance Student Experts (QA EXP)
- Improving Healthcare Students’ Competences for Behaviour to Effectively Support Self-care in Chronic Diseases (Train4Health)
- Student Participation without Borders (STUPS)
- SIDERAL – Social and International Dimension of Education and Recognition of Acquired Learning
- Developing a European Approach for Comprehensive QA of (European) University Networks – EUniQ
- Effective involvement of stakeholders in external quality assurance activities (ESQA)
- LIREQA: Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance
- Together you are never alone / UEE
- The garden of inclusion: Nature’s Common Third / Athirma
- University Tour: Access to Education for Refugees / DSF
- Brussels Family Portraits / Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales (IHECS)
- In refugees' shoes / Mareena
- Students on the move for Migrants and Refugees / Asociación Proyecto Roma (APR)
- EcoSila / EcoSila
- Refugee students / Foreningen Studenterhuset
- Personal Academic Support and Orientation for Refugees / UniR (Universités et Réfugiés)
- Students for Refugee Kids 4 / Fundacja Polska Gościnność
- Student Refugees Ísland / National Union for Icelandic Students
- Raise Women Assistance Network / EAVI & RWAN
- REACT – Refugees and Recognition – An Erasmus+ Project
- Social Inclusion Through Participation and Democracy – promoting active citizenship in the European student movement
- MAXIPAC (Maximazing Previous Acquired Competences) / H&H Education
- Online Encyclopedia of Migrations / Students of Charles University in Prague
- Roots of Inclusion / UdU, Rete degli Studenti Medi, ARCI and Rete Italian di Cultura Popolare
- Taalmaat / University of Antwerp & Linguapolis
- Equal Access to University / STAR + NUS-UK
- Cast your voice / Nandu Trägerverein e.V.
- Database of External Quality Assurance Results - DEQAR
- Union of Students in Ireland (USI) / Fighting Hate Speech and Promoting Inclusive Campuses
- University of Strathclyde Students’ Association (USSA) / Provisions and Barriers to student refugee participation in Glasgow and Scotland
- Student Alliance of Moldova (SAM) / The PEOPLE behind the HEADLINES
- National Alliance of Student Organisations in Romania (ANOSR) / NextGeneration
- Young Citizens Danube Network (YCDN) / #refugeepanorama2017
- Freier Zusammenschluß von StudentInnenschaften e.V. (FZS) / SHAMS
- National Union of Students in Flanders (VVS) / Mobilisation of Flemish students for refugees
- Fundacja Przestrzeń Wspólna / Students for Refugee Kids
- Student Action for Refugees (STAR) and the National Union of Students in UK (NUS UK) / Mobilising for Equal Access to University
- Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (DSF) /
- Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (ISO) and Amalied Foundation / Bridging Young Minds and Hearts Across Cultures
- Armenian National Student Association (ANSA) / Engaging through habits
- Swiss National Union of Students (VSS-UNES-USU) / Perspective – Studies
- test project
- F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)
- ExtraSUP
- SciShops
- Student learning, Assessment and Certification in Europe (ESSA)
- Together, Moving Forward
- Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe (CALOHEE)
- Enhancing The Student Contribution To Bologna (ESCBI)
- Equity in Higher Education
- Enhancing Students’ Contribution to the Bologna Implementation
- Financing the Students' Future (FINST)
- Lisbon & Students
- Sage
- Time for Student-Centred Learning
- Towards an EQF
- Identifying Effective Approaches to Enhancing the Social Dimension of Higher Education (IDEAS)
- Streamlining Institutional Recognition: a Training Platform for Admissions Officers (STREAM)
- Building Capacity in University Management (BUCUM)
- PL4SD - Social Dimension Observatory (SDO)
- Uniting Europe through digital empowerment (UniteIT)
- SiS Catalyst
- Student Guidance at University to Support Inclusion (STAY IN)
- State Grants and Loans as a Means to Increase Outgoing Mobility (STiME)
- Sharing Practice in Enhancing and Assuring Quality - SPEAQ
- Enhancing Students Participation in Quality Assurance in Armenian Higher Education (ESPAQ)
- Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Moldova (QUAEM)
- Enhancing the Social Characteristics and Public Responsibility of Israeli Teaching through a HEI-Student Alliance (ESPRIT)
- Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance Processes in Higher Education Institutions (IMPALA)
- Improving Efficiency of Student Services (IMPRESS)
- Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings (SAVES)
- SciChallenge
- Enhancing Quality through Innovative Policy & Practice (EQUIP)
- European Forum for Enhanced Collaboration in Teaching (EFFECT)
- Teaching Excellence in Israel (TeachEX)
- Quality Assurance of Career Services in Higher Education (QAREER)
- Peer Assessment of Student-Centred Learning (PASCL)
- Certificate for the Quality of Internationalisation in European higher education – CeQuInt