FINST European Training on Financing
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European Training on Financing of Higher Education
Opening conference
19th April, Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest, Romania
17:00 – 18:00 Welcome Speeches
Ø Allan Päll, Chairperson of ESU
Ø Roberta Alma Anastase, President of the Chamber of Deputies, Romania
Ø Catalin Baba, Minister of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, Romania
Ø Sorin Oprescu, Mayor of Bucharest, Romania
Ø Pavel Nastase, Rector of The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
Ø Mircea Dumitru, Rector of the University of Bucharest
Ø Filip Stanciu, Rector of the Lumina University
Ø Daniela Alexe, President of the National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania
18:00 – 18:45 How is the crisis affecting (public) funding of HE?
Ø Keynote speech: Teivo Teivainen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Ø Response: Students’ view by Rok Primožic, ESU Executive Committee
18:45 – 20:00 Panel: The impact of the crisis on financing of higher education
Ø Thomas Estermann, EUA
Ø Ligia Deca, Head of EHEA Secretariat, ESU Alumni
Ø Radu Mircea Damian, The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Ø Hanna-Stella Haaristo, Praxis Center for Policy Studies
20:00 – 20:20 FinSt Exchanges: What have we learned?
20:20 – 22:00 Cocktail
Information on the event:
The National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania (ANOSR) has the honor of hosting one of the most significant student events in Europe – the 62nd edition of the Board Meeting of the European Students Union (ESU) and the European Seminar on Financing of Higher Education, which will bring together over 130 student representatives of 45 national student unions from 38 countries.
The event agenda will include debates on financing of higher education in the context of the current economic crisis, multiple education budget cuts and student protests all over the world. The seminar will bring strong debates and legitimate student perspectives. The issues regarding the Bologna Process implementation and the students’ view on the development of the European Higher Education Area will also be tackled.
The event will officially launch the ESU publication “Bologna With Student Eyes 2012”, a document highly debated at European level, since it provides the perspective of students about how the Bologna Process was implemented so far in the European countries and brings recommendations and conclusions related to this.
The event will be opened by The European Training on Financing of Higher Education, as a part of the FinSt (Financing the Students Future) project developed by ESU, and is intended to build European student representatives’ capacities in terms of Higher Education Financing, from the basics of funding higher education institutions to social support systems and research funding. Additionally, the participants will be trained in technical skills needed to deliver thoughts, ideas and positions on higher education funding, in the students name.
The importance of this event is increased by the Bologna Process Ministerial Conference which will take place also in Bucharest right afterwards. There, all the national delegations including Ministers of Education and students from all the countries participating in the Bologna Process will discuss how the process is being implemented across the Europe and will develop and adopt new directions and new visions in this regard.
All eyes in Europe will be firmly focused on the educational events in Bucharest so it is essential for the student voice to be heard and treated as a decisive factor in shaping the future European education policies in the next years.
The event is a premier for the student movement in Romania being the first and the only event so far that reunites all student representatives from Europe.