Student Guidance at University to Support Inclusion (STAY IN)
STAY IN – Student guidance at university for inclusion is a two-year project co-funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning programme, Erasmus Multilateral Projects, that aims to provide a comprehensive on-going guidance service, including e-guidance, to students in higher education, to contribute increasing their educational achievement.
STAY IN seeks to design and develop a service capable of supporting students in higher education during their academic career, by offering guidance and e-guidance to access available opportunities within the universities and in the communities where the universities are active. Guidance is conceived of as personalised support for each student to tackle potential obstacles that lead to disengagement and drop-out.
The STAY IN Consortium includes three universities (University of Macerata, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Universidad de Sevilla), international research and consultancy companies (MELIUS, ARCOLA Research), an educational software developer company (LYNX), and two international educational networks (European Students Union and European Distance and E-Learning Network).
See a summary published by ESU about the final outcomes of the project here.