ESU statement on Israeli students protests
Lazy, 2 September 2011
Letter of support to NUIS
ESU would like to express its support to the Israeli students and National Union of Israeli Students in their fight against austerity measures in Israel. In the ongoing economic crisis, governments have too many times cut the funding from areas where the weakest in society need it the most – including students.
Students and Israeli citizens have showed the world that a little protest against raising the rent can turn into a movement that is demanding radical changes. Hundreds of thousands of protesters from all different socio-economic and religious backgrounds are opposing the continuing rise in the cost of living in Israel, in particular the relatively high housing prices in Israel and the lack of affordable housing solutions in the country.
Recently, further the demonstrations have begun to focus on issues like the deteriorating state of the Israeli education system, the indirect costs of raising children and concerns relating to the social order in Israel. The actions have become a space for people to voice their anger concerning the continued and perceived assault brought to them through austerity measures.
The European Students’ Union (ESU) supports NUIS in their struggle for social equality, for changes of the economic system and better employment and to support the ones in need. We address the Israeli government to listen to the voice of students on the streets and react by engaging to find solutions.
Kind regards,
Allan Päll, ESU Chairperson