BM74: Resolution on #metoo movement
BM74: Resolution on #metoo movement
For several months there has been a worldwide movement that empowers women especially, but not only women to speak about sexual harassment and the gender-based violence that they are suffering from. The silence was broken and a wave of shocking revelations became known to the public.
Following the Weinstein case, women seized the hashtag #Metoo in order to denounce especially domestic violence and at the same time tackle the systematic nature of patriarchal violence. Spontaneous demonstrations have been organized in multiple cities in Europe and the United States. It can no longer be ignored that this is an urging worldwide issue.
Everywhere in Europe, students’ unions must be a safe place for women. We know that our organizations aren’t impervious to society and sexism and sexual violence can occur within our organizations.
Aware of that, ESU supports all women who have undergone sexist and sexual violence in our unions. ESU has already set up tools, like trusted persons and a women’s meetings at each BM, to fight against discrimination and sexual abuse and to provide a space in which women can speak without fear of repressions. We must continue on this path by helping and protecting victims of sexual violence in any possible way.
Finally, we must fight against prejudice and stereotypes within higher education. This is why ESU is in favor of genders studies and having a clear process for sexual harassment victims at universities.
Proposed by: UNEF
Seconded by: OH, UDU, FEF, DSF, fzs, VSS-UNES-USU, NUSUK, EC, UNEL