
European Students’ Convention 40

Event date - 17/09/2020
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Due to the ongoing implications of the COVID-19 in Europe and all over the world, the 40th European Students’ Convention will take place online between the 17th and the 19th of September. The event is being co-hosted by the European Students’ Union (ESU) and the Croatian Student Council (CSC)

The theme of the event is: “Students organizing in times of Disruption – Stocktaking, impact assessment and drawn lessons from a semester under lockdown.”

The registration for the 40th European Students’ Convention co-hosted by CSC and ESU is open now. Since this is a unique chance for making ESUs events more accessible, there will be no maximum number of delegates for this ESC. This registration will be open for one week from now – till Monday the 14th of September 23:59 CEST. 

Please, feel free to share the registration with your local unions and other potentially interested individuals.

The agenda of the 40th European Students Convention is available on this link.


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