Swiss National Union of Students (VSS-UNES-USU) / Perspective – Studies
by Swiss National Union of Students (VSS-UNES-USU)
‘Perspective – Studies’ aims to encourage Swiss student associations to develop local mentoring programs to support refugee students in the tough process of enrolling in their higher education institution.
The project accompanies those mentoring programs through counsel, workshops for the mentors, and inter-program exchange. It also provides online information about the process of enrolling as well as possible obstacles for refugees and those supporting them. The project collaborates with all local student-led programs for a regular evaluation and gathering of data to remedy the actual lack of information about refugee students’ number and needs. The information is used to advocate for refugee students politically and to raise awareness of professionals working with them.
If you speak German, find out more about the project on the VSS-UNES-USU website.