
BM74: Resolution on short cycles systems

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BM74: Resolution on short cycles systems

One of the European Higher Education commitment is to ensure a Three- Cycle system compatible with the QF-EHEA and scaled by ECTS. However, some educational systems also provide 2 years long short cycles (granting 120ECTS).  Those cycles are professionalizing cycles that allow students to quickly enter the labor market. Although, they should not be used in higher education only to unclog the education system. Often, they’re wrongly used to make students, who are not considered having an academic profile, leave the education system quicker, for financial reasons.

Furthermore, even if those cycles are professionalizing cycles, students must be able to continue their studies if they wish. ESU support that bridges between those short cycles and the 3 years cycle system must become easier, widespread and selection free.

Proposed by: UNEF

Seconded by: FZS, FEF, UDU, OH,FAGE


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