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Overview on Student-Centred Learning in Higher Education in Europe

Through the research done in this publication on the grassroots level by surveying students and higher education institutions and gathering the different policies of essential European stakeholders, there are clear signs of progress in the implementation of SCL. We have also identified a plethora of different perspectives on what SCL is and where to go from here. Students need to be consulted, to have real choices in their study paths and curricula – giving them more responsibility for their learning processes. Learning process should be described in terms of learning outcomes, which should be developed and monitored with constant evaluation and consultancy of students.

Even though the SCL concept involves putting students in the focus, that does not by any means diminish the role and importance of teachers. There is great need for for further development of teaching methods, teacher support and professional training, as quality teaching is essential for a quality learning experience for all students. The enhancement of teaching should find its base in the needs of students, which are best assessed through teacher and course evaluation. Student feedback must be used actively in the development of curricula, learning outcomes and assessment procedures, closing the feedback cycle and taking action as a result.In order to ensure mutual understanding and devotion, SCL should be embedded in institutional strategies, procedures and frameworks.

The involvement and representation of students in governance, viewing students as equal partners, as a part of the academic community and coproducers of knowledge, is essential for giving students ownership and responsibility for their learning. Clear interest of all stakeholders on the topic has proven that it is the right time for a project like PASCL, which will now establish a framework and guidelines for the implementation of SCL concept and assessment procedures.The research has provided us with a number of best practices and real life examples that can be used for learning and inspiration for further work with the implementation of SCL.

More information on PASCL website.

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