
SAGE: Study Visit and National Debate in Spain

Event date - 19/06/2013
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As a part of ESU’s project on Student Advancement on Graduates Employability (SAGE), a study visit and a national debate have been arranged in Spain to examine the country’s reforms in higher education and employability of graduates.


Day 1: 20th of June

9:00 to 10:00 Opening Session: Presentation of program and SAGE Project

  • Fernando Galván Reula (Rector UAH, hosting university)

  • Adelaida de la Calle (President of the Rector Conference)

  • Inés Sánchez (Secretaria General CREUP)

  • Taina Moisander (Vice-Chairperson of ESU)

  • Luís Cereijo (President of CEUAH, local union hosting the event)

  • Ministry of Education / Ministry of Labour

10:00 to 14:00 Review of educational and employment policies and long-term trends by all stakeholders

10:00 to 11:30

  • Adelaida de la Calle (President of the Rectors’ Conference)

  • Ministry of Labour / MECD

  • President of the National Association of HE Alumni

  • International organization of Labour / Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations / Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises

  • General Workers’ Trade Union / Trade Union Confederation of Workers’ Commissions

11:30 to 12:00 Coffee Break

12:00 to 13:00 Workshops: Do the visions fit the policies and how are the current trends taken into account? What are the meeting points between the different actors? Solutions will be discussed and suggested as workshop outcomes.

13:00 to 13:30 Discussion and questions

13:30 to 16:00 Lunch

16:00 to 17:30 Seminars: Links between education and employability policies

1. Best Practices: How to facilitate job placement for recent graduates? How to reduce youth unemployment?

  • Julio La Fuente (President of the University Network Student Affairs of the Retor Conference and rector of the UPNA)

  • University Consortium for employment (Porta Laurea)

  • Young Entrepreneurs Association

  • Spanish Confederation of Junior Enterprises

  • Finances for Mortals (Web-based tool which helps students pursue entrepreneurship)

2. Horizontal Competences and soft skills: What is expected of a fresh graduate? How to increase the chances of employability of a student?

  • Yolanda Rueda (Cybervolunteer)

  • Mª del Mar Duque García (Director of the Autonomous Organization for European Educational Programs, OAPEE)

  • Anabel Carrillo (President of Social Council of the UCO and founder of the Professional Association for Development of Innovation)

  • Miriam Llorente (Career Guidance Network) – career counseling service for college students and recent graduates

  • National Association of HE Alumni – Certinui

17:30 to 18:00 Conclusions of the first day

Day 2: 21st of June

10:00 to 11:30 Employability: Should it influence financing of higher education? How to measure employability?

  • Jose Antonio Pérez (Financing Manager of UPV)

  • Julio Revilla (President of Social Council of the UHU)

  • Rubén Garrido (Financing Manager of UAH)

  • Enric Roig (Valencian Agency of Evaluation and Prospective, AVAP)

  • Marius Rubiralta (Ex Secretary General for Universities of the Ministry of Education and ex- Rector of UB)

11:30 to 12:00 Coffee Break

12:00 to 13:00 Situation around Europe. The SAGE partners will present their national situations and their involvement in the project.

13:00 to 14:00 Presentation of supportive tools for enhancement of entrepreneurship

14:00 Lunch

16:00 Working groups: Conclusions

17:00 Closing Session






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