ESU Board Meeting 73 and Board Meeting Seminar
The Board Meeting Seminar and Board Meeting 73 will take place from 27 November to 3 December 2017, in Jerusalem.
The event will be organised by the National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) and the European Students’ Union (ESU). The fall 2017 theme is Academia 2.0: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and linking networks. For more details, see the event website.
You can download the Reader of the meeting here.
The Board Meeting is the highest governing body of ESU, where all the 45 member unions are represented. These meetings are organised every half a year in order to shape ESU’s policies and work. The Board agrees among else on its plan of work, statements, external motions and policy documents. More importantly, it elects members of the Executive Committee to take care of ESU’s daily work and to implement the agreed decisions and policies. Each country is given the value of two votes at these meetings.