
BM81: Resolution on the consultation process of the new Spanish universities legislation

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During the last year, the Government of Spain has initiated a number of changes in the higher education system of the country. Within these changes, we can find the new Disciplinary Law for the Universities, the new Royal Decree for the Creation of Universities, and the new Organic Law of the University System.

In the beginning, some of the draft texts were consensual, but in the case of the Disciplinary Law for the Universities, last-minute changes that weren’t consulted with the university community (students, professor, and administrative personnel) have been made in essential points of the draft texts. To the extent that the Disciplinary Law (that had achieved unseen consensus between the university community) has been approved by the parliament with the removal of the most central and important part without any kind of consultation.

We consider that the changes that affect the whole of the university community ought to be dialogued with the whole extent of the university community or their representatives. This basic concept has not been respected by the Ministry, and we believe that the current legislative drafts do not represent the future that the university community wants for the university system; but rather respond to interests that haven’t been disclosed to the public.

ESU, together with Spanish student representatives, demands the consensual and dialogued approach in the policy changes happening in Spain regarding the higher education system; this includes but is not limited to: 

  • Transparent transference of the demands made by the different university community sectors.
  • The creation of dialoguing structures between the different sectors involved in the policy change process.
  • The guarantee of the democratic electoral process within universities.
  • The guarantee of a sufficient presence of students within the governing bodies of the universities.

BM81_ Resolution on the consultation process of the new Spanish Universities legislation in PDF


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