
Plan of Work 2018

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The plan of work is created based on the strategic priorities adopted to years 2018-2020. In a need for prioritization during the year 2018, the opening statement in this plan of work is meant to guide the organisations work throughout the year.

In 2018, ESU will concentrate on executing advocacy with a clear strategy and goals further explained in this document and policy documents. ESU will actively provide information to NUSs about the current topics on higher education policy and social dimension in the EU and EHEA.

ESU will coordinate together with the NUSs to influence on the policies of the member states before the Bologna Ministerial Conference in May 2018 by actively using the Bologna with Students’ Eyes publication. The goal is to have ESUs priorities to be presented to the NUSs before the BFUG meeting so ESU and its members can come together on a joint message. Hence, the members would have the opportunity to advocate that message to its ministries and to have the student voice represented strongly. ESU will also start to create long term goals for conference in Rome 2020. ESU will focus especially on the fundamental values of student representation, academic freedom and institutional autonomy.

Download the full Plan of Work 2018 here.


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