Assessment Tool and Incentive Systems for Developing Higher Education Teachers’ Performance (ProFFormance)
The project aims to support quality enhancement of Teaching and Learning at HEIs in EHEA. The consortium plans to create a set of criteria and an assessment tool of teachers’ performance trying it out at pilot visits in all partner countries, as well as to elaborate recommendations on incentive systems for teachers’ development. The criteria model and the tool will help teachers and HEIs to translate EHEA and European Education Area teaching and learning targets to real actions. Best practices of innovative teaching will be collected and disseminated through an award for teachers and by an online database.
The project aims to contribute to the quality enhancement of T&L by promoting better T&L strategies at national and HEI level. The criteria set, the assessment tool and the incentive systems assist HEIs and policymakers to plan complex systems of teacher assessment, incentives and development, which leads to the improvement of their performance. The tool will also enhance students’ engagement in evaluating teachers’ performance.
The planned project outputs will have an impact primarily on teachers and students, but will also affect HEI management, administrative staff and other stakeholders. Results will contribute to teaching and learning experience, reduce drop-out rates, increase the number of successful graduates, enhance labour market relevance of qualifications at institutional, national and consortium level.
Main Activities
- Benchmarking – mapping of higher education institutional strategies and practices on teachers’ assessment, development and incentives in the participating countries, reviewing research results and relevant literature
- Peer-learning activities – Organization of 3 international peer learning activities (PLA) on teachers’ roles, skills and relations to students/stakeholders to determine the focus and questions of the teachers’ performance assessment tool.
- Elaboration of a teachers’ performance assessment tool – Finalizing and customizing the assessment tool – (teachers, student, managerial, external, and self-assessment) versions.
- Piloting and testing the assessment tool in one institution of each partner country.
- Collection of good practices based on the evaluation system criteria in an online database through the International Higher Education Award Call.
- In addition to the evaluation/assessment system, make recommendations for the establishment of an incentive scheme at institutional, national, EU and EHEA level.
Consortium Partners
- Hungary: Ministry for Innovation and Technology – coordinator
- Tempus Public Foundation – so-called “linked third party”
- Austria: Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung
- Czech Republic: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Czech National Agency for International Education (as linked third party)
- Georgia: National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement
- Croatia: Ministry of Science and Education
- Serbia: Foundation Tempus (Erasmus + National Agency)
Associated partners
- Academic Cooperation Association
- European Students’ Union
- Digital Success Nonprofit Ltd.
- Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Find out more on the project’s website.