
BM 64 – On the Law “On Higher Education” in Ukraine

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To the President of Ukraine

To the Parliament of Ukraine
To the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine
To the Rectors Conference of Ukraine
To the Rectors Conference of Private Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine

The European Students’ Union, as an umbrella organisation of the National Unions of Students in Europe, would like to point out the fact that there is a need for an equal stakeholders’ participation in  discussions on changes to the legislation, especially students and academia representatives.

What is more, ESU marks that Ukraine, which joined the Bologna process in 2005, needs to implement its principles and provide legislative support for that as soon as possible to ensure its full integration to the European Higher Education Area. Therefore, the adoption of the new Law “On Higher Education” in Ukraine is crucial.

Currently registered to the Parliament are bills proposing two ways of reforming Ukrainian higher education, and draft Law # 1187, also supported by the Ministry of education and science in Ukraine, does not contain needed changes to fully implement the Bologna action lines. On the other hand, proposed by the academic community is bill #1187-2 and also bill #1187-1 that create a positive legislative base for an equal access to higher education by implementing an independent system of knowledge evaluation; improving the social dimension of higher education by proposing social guarantees for students and professors; creating an independent quality assurance agency with the involvement of all stakeholders; insuring higher educational institutions autonomy in the financial, administrative and academic areas, and their equality despite their status; implementing a three cycle education and European credit and transfer system, which creates the basis for students and staff mobility in order to reach the 20% benchmark by 2020.

Therefore ESU encourages the Ukrainian Parliament and all stakeholders to take an active stand on the adoption of new Law “On Higher Education” that respects the principles of the European Higher Education Area, and countries’ further integration in the EHEA.


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