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Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (DSF) /

by Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (DSF)

The barriers for refugees and asylum seekers to access higher education within the Danish system are increasing. Consequently, the number of refugee students is not at the level it could potentially be. Neither are there major national initiatives to facilitate equal access to higher education for refugees and asylum seekers.

The main idea of StudentRefugees.dka cooperation between the Danish National Union of Students, Students Support Refugees, Social Science Across Borders and Student House Copenhagen – is to create a webpage that will act as an information portal. It will offer, in an interactive way, all the necessary information for refugees and asylum seekers to access higher education in Denmark.

Central to the project, a mentoring programme will be developed to ensure that refugees who aim to become university students in Denmark receive personalised support. This project will provide a new and innovative platform that will unite the effort of different organisations working in the field of asylum and education.


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