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Raise Women Assistance Network / EAVI & RWAN

Country: Belgium

Organisation: EAVI & Raise Women Assistance Network (RWAN)

RWAN was launched in 2018 with the main goal of helping refugee and immigrant women to find work and internships. It will be a bridge between them, the educational system and the labour market (companies and all types of organizations) in order to provide a space to share contacts, make proposals and create new opportunities for dialogue and cooperation.

RWAN aspires to give guidance to the many thousands of refugee and migrant women that find difficult to contact and interact directly with the Human Resources managers and other Employment agents in Belgium.

RWAN will aim to pave the way to share personal experiences, match resources, enhance entrepreneurism, create best practices. This, surely, will lead to a better intercultural understanding between refugees/immigrants and hosting communities. The initiative’s benefits will be felt in all society in the longer run.

Find all the details on the website.


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