60th Board Meeting of European Students’ Union
ESU 60 Board Meeting
60th Board Meeting of European Students’ Union
Hosted by Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liit (EÜL) which is a federation of Estonian Student Unions that was founded in 1991 and is the main advocate and defender of students opinion and rights in Estonia, representing more than 60 000 students.
The hotel of the event is Clarion Hotel Euroopa which is situated in the harbour area of Tallinn, just 10 minutes walk away from the city centre and Old Town. This hotel will also be the venue for the Board Meeting. The seminar is held at a conference centre in the Old Town which is just 15 minutes walk away. Below on the map you will be able to find all destinations and happenings for the duration of the week:
View ESU BM60 Map
Contacts and address of the hotel: Clarion Hotel Euroopa; Paadi 5, 10151 Tallinn ESTONIA; phone +372 6699 777
Registration deadline was 1st of April, but if you are a full member of ESU and have not yet registered your delegates, please contact bm60@esu-online.org
You can find the registration form on the ESU backoffice. Please use your NUS credentials to login at http://backoffice.esu-online.org/board and you will see the link on the left hand side. Please do register as soon as possible as the number of places regarding booked accommodation is limited.
When choosing your delegation, please bear in mind article 7.5 in ESU’s Standing orders: “If a member or an associate organisation sends more than one person to a meeting, it shall take positive measures to see that the delegation is gender balanced.”
Please note that registrations after the 1st of April deadline will incur a 75 EUR extra fee per registration of a participant. Please note to keep your travel information updated if you should book your travel after registration.
Participation fee scheme:
Full participation fee for the event is 350 EUR, which covers accommodation, food and materials for the duration of the whole event including the seminar and the Board Meeting.
However, for full and associate members, we offer following subsidies:
• 1st Delegate of full members and invited organisations: 75 EUR
• 2nd Delegate of full members and invited organisations: 175 EUR
• 3rd Delegate of full members and any other participants: 350 EUR
Furthermore, each ESU member union and each associate member has the opportunity to get a discount of 100 EUR for one of its delegates if that delegate would stay for no more than 4 nights and 3 days – be it the Board Meeting or the seminar. In addition, the fee for externals to attend the whole event is 350 EUR and to attend the seminar only is 250 EUR.
In the registration, there is an extra option for the reduction thus please do check that if you have one delegate staying for no more than 4 nights and 3 days. The participation fee has to be transferred to the bank account of EÜL before 25th of April or brought in cash to the event registration. Please note that EÜL only accepts payments in Euros.
Finally, please be reminded of the registration deadline, which was 1st of April 2011. Any registration after this deadline would incur an extra fee of 75 EUR per registration of a participant.
Bank information:
IBAN: EE801010220038707019
Name of the bank: AS SEB Pank
Address of the bank: Tornimäe 2, 15010 Tallinn, Estonia
Reference: BM60 participation
Travel reimbursement and travel booking:
ESU can reimburse one delegate from each full member and associate. ESU will reimburse up to 300 EUR for each union per the first delegate given that it is an economy class flight or 2nd class ticket and that the participant is attending both the seminar and the Board Meeting. In case of extra budget, ESU might afford extra reimbursement for unions, which have incurred higher than 300 EUR costs for their first delegates. Decision on this will be made after the event once the costs are known. For this reason, we ask everyone to book as early as possible as to save costs on the overall budget. Furthermore, the extra reimbursement to cover the part above 300 EUR per first delegate will be done on the basis of favouring earlier bookings of tickets on the principle of saving on travel budget. To be eligible for travel reimbursement, you must provide us with a filled in reimbursement form with all original travel documents and receipts attached.
ESU also offers to prepay your flight booking through our EGENCIA booking system that offers competitive rates – in this case you will incur a 20 EUR booking fee. If your flight costs should be higher than 300 EUR or you book second or third delegates through the system, ESU will invoice you for the rest of the expense unless you will be eligible for extra reimbursement if budget allows. For more information on this option, please contact us.
Solidarity fund
For unions who cannot afford to pay for their first delegate’s participation fee, we have a limited amount of fee-waivers that will be covered through the event solidarity fund. To be eligible for this waiver, you are kindly requested to send your application to the fund to ec2010@esu-online.org by the end of 18th of March 2011. In your application, please shortly motivate the reasons as the fund will only be applied if you can demonstrate that without this waiver, your union would not be able to send a single delegate.
Visa information
If you need a Visa to enter Estonia (Schengen) or need a personal invitation from the organisers please mark it in the registration form and e-mail a specific request to bm60@esu-online.org. Please, request this in time, as it’s difficult to predict how long time it will take to issue your visa.
Social activities and International Student Days in Tallinn
During the days of the seminar and Board Meeting, students of Tallinn and EÜL are also organising international Student Days. This is an event that is taking place every semester though this time it has an international flavour due to Tallinn carrying the title of the European Capital of Culture for 2011, together with the Finnish city of Turku. The student days will be opened on Monday evening with a parade of student organisations that is apolitical and academic in nature. Participants of the ESU event will be joining this event, thus we kindly ask you to bring flags and banners of your organisation with you to really show the diversity of students present.
Secondly, EÜL will also be hosting an annual event of the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) association. It is noteworthy that ISIC and ESU share some membership and that ISIC was founded by student unions themselves as something to help with mobility. In this context, EÜL is hosting an exhibition of student identity cards, thus if you have examples, please contact EÜL beforehand to be able to send them to Estonia earlier so that they could be displayed. ESU and ISIC will also share a small dinner event together in the evening of Tuesday.
The Executive Committee coordinators for the event are Allan Päll (allan@esu-online.org) for organisation and the Board Meeting and Rasa Cincyte (rasa@esu-online.org) for the seminar.
If you have any further questions, please write to bm60@esu-online.org and we will try to help you.
See you soon in Tallinn!