Commission for internal auditing (CIA)
ESU has a Commission for Internal Auditing (CIA) which has the competency to act as a financial advisory body to the EC and the Board. The CIA can make recommendations and express opinion to the EC and BM on all financial matters. The CIA can assist the Secretariat and the EC in drawing up the budgets and all other relevant financial documents of ESU. The CIA and the EC are obligated to hold at least one financial workshop for Board members per calendar year. Furthermore, the CIA carries out the internal audit of ESU and presents it every board meeting. Besides the internal audit they will present an activity report on finances to all Board Meetings.
You can contact the CIA by email via You can find the names and emails of the CIA members here:
Bjorn Osteby
Nathalie Schäfer
Teemu Vasama
Report wrongdoings
If you have experienced, witnessed or know of misconduct, conflict of interests and other wrongdoings by ESU officials or participants at ESU events, you can report them through the corresponding contact form below.
ESU’s Code of Conduct outlines ESU’s Code of Ethics as well as the procedures once a report has been received either by ESU’s Executive (general complaints, complaints after an event has ended) or by the Trusted Persons Team (during events). Below you will also find infographics that visualise the different reporting procedures!
If you want to report something that occurred outside an ESU event, something after an event has ended or something on a general note please use the tab “General complaints and reports”. The report will reach ESU’s Head of Secretariat, who will forward it to ESU’s Presidency (unless the report concern a Presidency member, in that case it will be forwarded to ESU’s Executive Committee members). Processing takes up to 3 days.
If you are a participant at an ESU Board Meeting or European Students’ Convention and want to reach the Trusted Persons Team for a fast response, please use the tab “Reporting to TPT during ESU events”. The report will reach the members of the events’ Trusted Persons Team.
You can also always reach out to singular members of ESU’s Executive directly. Contact details can be found in the “Elected Representatives” section.