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REACT – Refugees and Recognition – An Erasmus+ Project

The overall goal of the project is to enhance the mobility, employability and access to further studies for refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situation – including those without official documentation of their educational background.

The project builds on the recently completed Erasmus+ project “Refugees and Recognition”, which developed a common methodological approach to the recognition of refugees’ qualifications. Taking this work a step further, the REACT-project will develop and test this methodology in major refugee-receiving countries and in cooperation with higher education institutions.

The aim is to establish a more efficient and consistent approach to the recognition of refugees’ qualifications in Europe.

The European Students’ Union (ESU) -together with representatives from EUA, KIRON, CICIC and the ENIC Bureau President- is taking part in the project steering group, giving guidance and strategic advice to the project group.

Main project activities

  • Testing and adaptation of the toolkit developed in the previous project, in close cooperation with higher education institutions
  • Provide recommendations to higher education institutions and identifying best practice cases that illustrate pathways for admission of refugee students to further studies
  • Developing five refugee country briefings
  • Developing e-learning modules based on the refugee country briefings




More information on the project’s website


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