
BM73: Resolution On Funding of the Quality Assurance System in the Czech Republic

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BM73: Resolution On Funding of the Quality Assurance System in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has begun the process of reforming its higher education quality assurance system. These reforms follow a trend set by Bologna process as set in The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). The Czech Higher Education Act amended in 2016 now sees students as an essential part of the quality assurance system.

The introduction of the new quality assurance system, however, is severely underfinanced. The National Accreditation Bureau (Czech: Národní akreditační úřad) is managed and financed through the Ministry of Education. The government has not allocated a sufficient budget for the newly formed accreditation system.

The National Accreditation Bureau is facing a lack of finances for administrative force and there is no information system for document management. These facts make the accreditation process ponderously bureaucratic and ineffective. SK RVŠ appreciates the efforts of the Accreditation Bureau to establish a working system under the conditions of severe underfunding.

Education and training for people present in the evaluation processes, including students, is very limited. The functionality of the whole system is jeopardized because of lack of funds.

The European Students’ Union appeals to the Czech government to increase the funding of quality assurance in higher education. Reforming a process of quality assurance requires significant investment in the beginning and a stable budget on the long run.

ESU supports the strive of Czech students to assure that the new system of quality assurance, which follows the European standards, is properly implemented and funded.


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