
European Students’ Convention 27

Event date - 18/03/2014
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The European Students’ Union invites you to take part in the 27th European Students’ Convention (ESC27) and Final Conference of the SAGE project in Brussels from 18 to 21 March 2014.

Participants of the 27th European Students’ Convention (ESC27) and the Final Conference of the SAGE project will have the opportunity to debate the impact of European higher education reforms, especially in relation to the employability of graduates. The ESC27 will bring together the opinions of students in higher education in Europe, policy-makers and other stakeholders in the field.

An expected date of arrival for participants is 18 March 2014 and departure date 21 March 2014. During the first day (19 March 2014), the participants will be introduced to the outcomes of the SAGE project run by ESU in consortium with six other partner organisations. The SAGE project is co-funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.

The European Students’ Convention is held under the high patronage of the European Parliament and with support of the European Economic and Social Committee.

You are encouraged to contribute to the discussion online by using the following hashtags on Twitter: #ESC27 #ESU_SAGE and #VoteForEducation

If you would like to know more about the event, please contact us at or by telephone. Please note that a limited number of seats is available at the event and security restrictions apply at all the venues.

Click here to see an interactive map of all the main locations for the event.

Please click on the dates below to see the draft agenda and venues for each part of the event. This page will be constantly updated with relevant information. Also consult our Facebook page for the event where we will provide you with regular updates during ESC27 and the SAGE website where you can find a video and photo gallery.





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This is a postcard designed for ESC27 and the European elections in May 2014. Click on the images to download your own copy and send a postcard to a MEP or a candidate for the elections, telling them what you wish them to work for!


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