F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)
Can anybody apply?
The programme is open to all organisations, not just ESU members. Applicant organisations need to be officially registered in their country. Furthermore, organisations applying need to show an audit report proving the soundness of their financial system.
If you are an informal group of students, you can contact a local or national union of students, or another established organisation and ask for their support.
Remember, we do not fund single individuals.
How do we get a project selected?
We developed a list of selection criteria according to which the selection committee will evaluate every application.
- Eligibility check
- Quality of needs assessment
- Cooperation with refugee-led formal or informal groups
- Relevance of the approach proposed
- Impact and sustainability of your project
- Quality of project design
- Inclusion of diversity and approach to gender equality
- Appropriate use of media for visibility and dissemination
- Organisational capacity
- Inclusion of relevant stakeholders
You can find more information on each of these selection criteria in the Key Principles and Selection Criteria resource. This document also provides some description and guiding questions for each of them.
Who are the relevant stakeholders?
You should make sure you include – at a specific stage or all stages of your project – different groups, organisations, institutions.
Try to discuss and develop your project in cooperation with stakeholders that can help your project by providing resources and stakeholders that are directly influenced by your project (and might either support it or oppose it if it’s not relevant to them).
Are you leaving any important voices out? Can you really develop an interesting and useful project without their perspectives and their real participation?
Facts and data: how to describe your context
We will ask you to provide evidence to support your needs analysis and the activities you suggest. Get familiar with welcome and integration policies and discover other existing small- or large-scale initiatives targeting refugees’ needs. Check official data, or point out which data is still missing. You might want to contact refugee-led organisations, or other organisations at local or national level working on this topic to support you with the project.
It will help you contextualise your work, identify clear needs and suggest relevant ways forward.
Also, you might want to have a read of ESU’s study on the issue of recognition of qualifications.
What’s the difference between aim and objectives?
The aim of your project is the general intention of your project. The objectives are more specific statements which will list how you will make your aim come true.
Below you can find explanations of the main terms you will find in the application form. Our tip is to be as specific, measurable and realistic as you can in your objectives, but aim with ambition.
What’s the difference between impact and results?
By results, we mean the direct and measurable outcomes of your activities. You should be able to measure them and see if you are accomplishing your objectives. Your project will create some change for your target group and your wider community – let’s call that impact.
There are many resources out there, but here are some simple description of the main terms you find in the application form. Remember, clear and measurable results will help you in evaluating whether you are on the right track and whether your objectives will be reached at the end of the grant.
What projects can we fund?
We fund projects, that are relevant to the objectives, are backed by a strong needs analysis and provide an interesting answer to those needs.
In the past year, we have supported mentoring schemes for refugee students wanting to access higher education in Denmark and Switzerland, or for refugee kids and their families in Warsaw; awareness-raising campaigns and conferences in Ireland, Moldova and Armenia; publication of brochures with information and guidance with application procedures for refugees and asylum seekers in Berlin; anti-hate speech and anti-xenophobia training for youth workers in the Danube countries; extracurricular activities for kids from asylum seekers’ centres in the Netherlands; training for NUS staff on campaigning for equal access to Higher Education for asylum seekers and refugee in the UK; student capacity building in Romania; local Refugee Week activities in Glasgow…
This list could continue with your own initiatives. You can build on existing ones in your country or city, or you can decide to start your own in cooperation with refugee students.
Have a look at our past initiatives here.
What costs are NOT eligible?
We do NOT fund scholarships and student fees, building (rent) or equipment costs (printers or computers, for instance). If you are unsure whether some costs you want to have funded is eligible, contact the ESU secretariat.
How much can I ask?
Our grants can be any sum until 10,000 EUR. If you are planning a project with an international component you can ask up to 12,000 EUR. The international component needs to be relevant and an added value for the kind of results you want to achieve.
Where do I find the application templates?
Find everything you need in the Application Package on our main Together, Moving Forward page. Inside it you find:
- the call for project
- application form – STAGE 1
- list of possible questions – STAGE 2
- resource listing key principles and selection criteria
- budget template
- timeline template
A few details might change between the deadlines. You can find the most updated version here
When is the deadline?
The first deadline is on 15 APRIL 2018. We will post the dates of the next deadlines on our website and social media.
What’s the selection procedure like?
The selection committee includes a mix of ESU alumni and students with refugee-backgrounds, a representative of an international organisation active in the same field and one ESU staff.
The committee will select the most interesting applications in STAGE ONE. Based on the applications and on the size of the grant we will require further information from your side. If you are selected in STAGE TWO, get ready to start your project.
I still have doubts
ESU Secretariat is available to support you with developing an interesting project idea. Contact movingforward@esu-online.org or call us at +3228932549. You can also try to contact some of our former grantees (contacts available at this page).