
ESU Board Meeting 64 and Board Meeting Seminar

Event date - 23/04/2013
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The 64th Board Meeting of the European Students´ Union (ESU) will be held in Budapest, Hungary. An expected date of arrival for participants is 23 April and departure 29 April 2013. A part of the Board Meeting will take place in the form of a seminar on ESU´s project called Student Advancement on Graduates Employability (SAGE) on 24 and 25 April. The Board Meeting itself will continue on 25 April and end on 28 April 2013.

An app has also been designed in relation to the event in case you are using a smartphone, where you can access all the relevant information easily.

Please contact us at if you have any questions concerning the event.


DAY 0 – 23rd of April 2013
14:00 – 22:00 Registration (Hotel Benczúr)

20:00 – 21:00 Opening ceremony (ELTE University, Aula Magna)
                          Dr. NAVRACSICS Tibor, deputy prime minister of Hungary
Karina UFERT, chairperson of ESU
NAGY Dávid, president of HÖOK

SZENECZEY Balázs, vice mayor of Budapest

21:00 – 23.00 Cultural programme (Sounds and tastes of Hungary)

DAY I – 24th of April 2013

9:00 – 9:30 Opening words

Dr. MARUZSA Zoltán, deputy state secretary for Higher Education
Karina UFERT, chairperson of ESU
NAGY Dávid, president of HÖO

Session 1 – Setting the scene: Employability today and tomorrow

9:30 – 10:30 Part 1: ESU and students’ view on the topic

                      Panel: Instrumentalisation of higher education – Is employability the road to ruin and can
we reclaim it?
Different perspectives on society, are jobs and the economy the main goal?
What implications do the current discussions on employability bring to education?
Does knowledge have a value in and of itself or are skills for the job market the value
of education?

                      Presentation: SAGE summary (surveys, study visits, case studies), different definitions and
polemics around the topic
Moderating and presenting SAGE: Nevena Vuksanovic
Speakers: SAGE Consortium

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45 Part 2: Current EU initiatives

Situation of youth/graduate unemployment in today’s Europe
Looking into the future – skills demand forecasting
Rethinking Education – the extent of knowledge and data on which the policies and
recommendations are based on the European level? What is the leverage?
Moderator: Taina Moisander
Speakers: European Commission (TBC)

11:45 – 12:45 Part 3 – Stakeholder Panel
     Stakeholders in higher education from the European level will discuss and debate the current
growth-driven processes shaping the world of higher education in a talkshow style
Moderator: Taina Moisander

12:45 – 14:45 Lunch

14:45 – 16:15 Session 2 Discourse Logics and Segregation of Vocations

  Influence of the language we use
Nodding language and the hidden agenda
Language discrimination
How do higher education reforms influence the segregation of vocations?
Moderator/Speaker: Elisabeth Gehrke, Aengus O’Moalain

16:15 – 16:30 Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:00 Session 3 – Debate Club: Employability Myth Busters

   The session aims to raise awareness on the different reasoning used for justifying the reforms
and changes taking place in higher education as well as examine current trends
that occur upon entering the labour market.
Why higher education reform: presentation of the current arguments used for justifying
the reforms and changes in HE
How to prove that higher education still serves multiple purposes such as social mobility,
active citizenship, development of crucial competencies, creation and maintenance
of a broad, advanced knowledge base and the stimulation of research and
Raise awareness on differences between employability and employment
Moderator: Nevena Vuksanovic
Speakers: Pavel Zgaga (TBC)
Debaters: National Unions of Students

18:00 > BM sessions

18:00 – 20:00 Dinner

20:30 – 23:00 Cultural programme (Castle Hill Labyrinth and sightseeing)

DAY II – 25th of April, 2013

9:00 – 10:30 Session 4: Loans schemes and mobility – what is the long-term impact?

                       Mobility as a tool for enhancing employability – potential and risks
Perceived Insecurity of the labour market on the study choices etc.
Can loan schemes be used as a tool for mobility and what are the effects of loans on
labour mobility?
Moderator: Elisabeth Gehrke
Speakers (TBC): Hungarian Student Loan Center, ETUC, European Commission, ESU

10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:00 Session 5: Learning outcomes – just knowledge, or also attitudes,
skills and competencies?

Role of transferable skills and general competences within learning outcomes
Assessment of learning outcomes, knowledge, skills and competences.
What are the barriers in the way of the implementation of LO’s?
Presentation on the topic, given by an expert on learning outcomes
PROs and CONs to learning outcomes, background information
National Unions of Students present national status quo of learning outcomes and
brainstorm on solutions for the improvement of the structural implementation of Bologna
process in this regard
Moderator: Nevena Vuksanovic
Speakers (TBC): Council of Europe, EURASHE, Member of the HU Rectors’ Conference

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Session 6: EHEA State of Play/BFUG Affaires

Future of the Bologna Process
Updates from the working groups, agendas they will pursue
ESU Student Bologna Experts Group
Moderating and presenting: Nevena Vuksanovic, Karina Ufert

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee Break

15:15 – 16:45 World Café – Thematic Policy Sessions

Quality of Higher Education, with a focus on Recognition of Prior Learning and competences
gained outside of formal education, Qualifications Frameworks and Three
Cycles, Mobility between Higher Education Institutions and countries, studies and
work, Recognition, ECTS Users Guide Revision.
Commodification, Governance and Financing of Higher Education, with a focus
on public responsibility and the generation gap, intergenerational solidarity, aging
Internationalisation of Higher Education, with a focus on lifelong learning, Open
University, MBA-types, Massive Open Online Courses, Open Educational Resources,
continuous training.
Facilitators: ESU Executive Committee (Policy Clusters)

16:45 – 17:15 Wrap up of the training seminar, lessons learned and steps forward

ESU – Nevena Vuksanovic, Taina Moisander, Elisabeth Gehrke
HÖOK – Marcell Gáspár

17:30 > BM session

18.30 – 20:00 Dinner

21:00 – 02:00 Cultural programme (Széchenyi Spa)


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