National Union of Students in Flanders (VVS) / Mobilisation of Flemish students for refugees
by National Union of Students in Flanders (VVS)
Several local students’ unions – coached by the Flemish National Unions of Students – will implement initiatives for a better integration of refugees during the next six months, focusing on four different local projects:
- The Student Council of Odisee University College has a student-housing project where unaccompanied minor refugees can rent quality and low-priced housing. Their goals are to provide good housing for refugees and to stimulate students to take up a social commitment with the minors.
- The Student Council of Ghent University is going to support and expand a buddy platform. They want to reach out to committed people, and match them with refugees with the aim of helping them start in Flemish higher education and of stimulating mutual learning.
- The Hadi & Hoti Education Group is a student initiative to provide an e-learning platform for young refugees and migrants with lessons and information, therefore opening up higher education to a group that has so far limited access to it.
- The University of Antwerp will organise for the second time Taalmaat (Language buddy), a project that promotes links between Dutch speaking students and students in a language project (both refugee and non-refugee students) and encourages them to take part in social activities while speaking Dutch.
A kick-off event will help local projects meet other students working on similar projects and exchange good practices. Later on, VVS will organise a day focused on informing students with testimonials of refugees to inspire the different initiatives. Coaching the different projects, they will focus on the projects’ sustainability and on encouraging true participation of refugees at all levels. A final event in December will allow the sharing of their experience and influence the Union’s future advocacy work on refugee rights.