BM86: Resolution on supporting Hungarian Students’ Participation in Erasmus+
Despite previous calls for action, the situation hindering Hungarian students’ participation in the Erasmus+ program remains unresolved.
In December 2022 , the Council of the European Union decided that institutions organised as public interest trusts are no longer eligible to receive EU funds due to persistent concerns over the mismanagement of EU money. This has also been the case for several Hungarian universities, exacerbated by the potential conflicts of interest through involving government officials in the boards of the public interest trusts managing the universities. Several times ESU and HÖOK expressed concerns on how this reform would affect Hungarian universities’ institutional autonomy.
While the Hungarian government excluded the government officials from the management boards, the Council of the European Union determined that issues still persist for the public interest trust in general. The lack of a clear timeline and public
information heavily impacts students.
The exclusion of these institutions from receiving grants from Erasmus+ and Horizon 15 Europe has already excluded more than 200.000 students from international mobility, 16 restricting their access to vital international educational and research opportunities. This also poses a barrier to Hungarian higher education institutions’ membership in European University Alliances as well. The lack of meaningful progress and commitment to commonly address the issue conflicts with the spirit of educational exchange and cooperation that Erasmus+ embodies, potentially affecting a generation of students that are integral to fostering a united, open-minded Europe.
The European Students’ Union reiterates its support for the National Union of Students in Hungary (HÖOK) and calls on both the European Union and the Hungarian Government to urgently find a resolution that doesn’t put students as collateral victims. It is imperative that a solution respects the institutional autonomy of universities and ensures proper management of funds, thereby reinstating full participation in Erasmus+ for the affected institutions.
We urge all involved parties to prioritize the academic rights and international mobility opportunities for students, which are crucial for their personal development and the cultural and intellectual enrichment of Europe as a whole.