
BM75: Resolution on Study places for International Students Denmark

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BM75: Resolution on Study places for International Students Denmark

Study programs shouldn’t be shut down because of intentions of forcing out international students.

We live in a time where an increasing suspicion towards each other is rising amongst countries in Europe, and where borders become harder to cross. This is especially true in Denmark, and we now see that this idea of harder borders is being adopted into the education system.

In 2013 the Danish government agreed on a ceiling dictating how much of the study grant can be allocated to international students. This resulted in the universities being asked to reduce the number of seats allocated for international students.

However, this would constitute differential treatment between international students and Danish students. To circumvent this the universities were then asked to shut down study programs in English. This has now resulted in 1400 study places being cut. This is being excused with statements about international students not staying long enough in Denmark after their studies for it to be profitable. However, all studies and calculations by the ministry itself suggests this to be false. These excuses are veils for unfair xenophobic sentiment, and a wish to exclude international students from being treated equal to Danish students.

Furthermore the educations which are being shut down are mostly within the STEM field, an area that that government has been working to increase, thusly showcasing the high level of hypocrisy, and highlighting that this decision is not based on any academic, or strategic priority, but only on the wish to exclude international students taking their education in Denmark.

This is now resulting in subjects being closed, and in educators losing their job, because of an unambitious vision of Higher education.

The European Students’ Union condemns this action and calls for the government to stop this attack against institutional autonomy and once more allow institutions to decide the language in which their courses are taught.

Proposed by: DSF
Seconded by: LSVb


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