
BM 64 – ESU encourages Alþingi to focus on Icelandic students’ grants

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The European Student’s Union (ESU) encourages the newly elected Icelandic Parliament, Alþingi, to confirm the government bill making changes to the Icelandic loan system for students.

The government bill states that students would be offered up to 25 per cent transformation of their student loans into grants if the legal proposal would be approved. The student should graduate within an appropriate time limit to be acceptable as candidates to apply for the grant. This is a matter of crucial interest to all students in Iceland, where many rely on student loans to cover their study expenses.

A draft bill was first presented in 2011 but although it has virtually been ready to be adopted since the spring of 2012 it did not appear before the parliament until March 2013. At that point there were only a few days left of the parliament session that ended on March 28 2012. Although the bill was well received by most members of the parliament, Alþingi, was not able to confirm it.

The Icelandic society should not need to wait any longer for this important measure to improve student life. The grant system would bring more than just a better life for students as this change would have a good influence on students finishing their studies within the preferred time limit.

ESU strongly encourages the newly elected Alþingi to put this matter at the front on the very busy schedule ahead.


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