BM 61: Students involvement in Ukraine and legislation changes
Background: Numerous students’ protests in Ukraine have been taken place for the last year. The vast majority of them were connected with the proposed draft of the Law “On Higher Education” made by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine. Nevertheless the bill has not been agreed with students, what is more, during the public discussions students were kept from the critics by different treats. It is needed to emphasise that the overall proposal is not following Bologna process action lines that Ukraine joined in 2005 and takes away one of the rights given to students unions by the changes to the Law “On Higher Education” of Ukraine adopted in January 2010.
Motion text:
Talking into consideration often students protests in Ukraine European Students’ Union, as an umbrella organization of the National Unions of Students in Europe is pointing out on the fact that students are a crucial part of the academic community, and they should be fully involved in the decision-making process on all the levels.
What is more, Ukraine is a member of the European Higher Education Area, therefore ESU stresses the need to pay more attention to further Ukrainian integration into it, especially knowing that changes to the legislation on higher education are on the agenda in the country.
What is more, ESU marks that in the new Law “On Higher Education” present rights of students and students’ unions have to be fully saved. And these rights should not only be kept in the legislation but also fulfilled as there have been concerns addressed to ESU regarding the students basic rights violation in Ukraine on both local and national level.
We are calling upon the active involvement of stakeholders into the changes of the Ukrainian legislation regarding higher education, and increase of the actions on the implementation of the Bologna process in Ukraine.