BM69: Finland must take prompt action to adopt the National Qualifications
The 69th Board Meeting of the European Students’ Union (ESU) demands that the Finnish Government, without delay, prepares a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for degrees and competencies and makes a proposal to Parliament in spring 2016.
Finland is the only European country that has not passed on an act on the national framework of qualifications, based on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and EHEAs qualifications framework. The objective of the NQF is to make the national education systems more transparent and comparable. At present, Finnish degrees are not compatible with the EQF, as there is no national qualifications framework in place.
Approving a National Qualifications Framework does not change the present degree structure. The purpose of the NQF is to describe the system and render degrees and competences more recognisable internationally. The models for the Finnish NQF were drawn up already years ago, but have not been passed on to the Parliament for decision-making. The previous thorough proposals form a good basis for a new a proposal and enable speedy decision-making on the matter.
The previous government proposal on the NQF was submitted in 2012. According to experts, the 2012 model requires some minor updates. However, the issues at stake are well known and should be dealt with without further delay.
ESU finds that the absence of a Finnish NQF impairs the international mobility of Finnish students as well as the recognition of Finnish degrees at home and abroad. Approving a National Qualifications Framework would also enable closer cooperation in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).