LIREQA: Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance
The project, called “LIREQA: Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance”, aims to contribute to fair recognition by developing recommendations to demonstrate how to practically further develop linkages between academic recognition and both internal and external quality assurance. The project is devoted to better connect recognition and quality assurance within higher education institutions; to contribute to policy development regarding recognition on the European agenda; to identify current practices; to encourage cooperation between higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies, and ENIC/NARIC centres in the field of recognition; and to promote interactivity with other partners and networks in related fields. Outcomes of this project offer a path to the implementation of the revised Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) endorsed by Ministers of Education in Yerevan in May 2015, which contain a clear expectation under ESG 1.4 to align institutional recognition with the Lisbon Recognition Convention, and to foster cooperation to that end.
- Mapping the present situation and learning of expectations and possibilities for improvement from the main stakeholders (ENIC/NARIC centres, Quality Agencies, Higher Education Institutions);
- Creating a set of recommendations to address fair recognition of qualifications via external and internal quality assurance;
- Capacity building of ENIC/NARIC centres, Quality Agencies and Higher Education Institutions.
The present recommendations are the result of the project LIREQA co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Partners included ENIC1 /NARIC2 centres, quality assurance agencies, several consultative members of the Bologna Process – the European Association for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (ENQA)3, the European University Association (EUA)4, the European Student Union (ESU)5 – and independent experts.
You can download the publication Integrating Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance: Practical Recommendations’ here or by clicking the image below.