
Statement on Anti-Semitism

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The recent outbreak of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has generated increased discourse which unfortunately includes discriminatory language (often) in the form of antisemitic statements and was accompanied by a steep rise of antisemitic attacks. The European Students’ Union (ESU) strongly condemns all forms of discrimination and structures enabling or tolerating discrimination. They can never be accepted and need to be actively countered.

The Executive Committee of the ESU has addressed concerns of discriminatory language rooted in an Instagram story shared by a representative of the European Students’ Union.

Antisemitism appears in different ways and is not always easy to recognize. ESU has adopted and follows the definition of antisemitism and the annexed examples by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which states that antisemitism is a discriminative perception of Jews. This discriminative perception can be expressed in various ways that include the trivialization of the Shoah/Holocaust as well as drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

In light of the escalation of human rights violations in the region, it is essential to show sensitivity in the use of our language when expressing political opinions. The European Students’ Union does not tolerate antisemitism or any other form of discrimination, also not within its Executive Committee. ESU calls upon all students and other actors in Higher Education to stand up against discrimination and structures enabling discrimination. For any further information on ESU’s positions, refer to ESU’s Anti-Discrimination StatementResolution on Combating Anti-Semitism and Human Rights and Solidarity Strategy.

Statement in PDF


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