ESU’s second handover in Ghent
Between the 23rd and the 27th of August, the Presidency of the European Students’ Union (ESU), members of the Executive Committee and the Coordinators met for the ESU’s second handover celebrated in Ghent, Belgium. The first part of the handover sought to continue improving the relationship and understanding between all members of the staff (secretariat) and the elected representatives, whilst giving a deeper knowledge of the organisation, procedures and the dynamics within the whole team.
Apart from this, the members worked on continuing to operationalize the plan of work and setting the priorities for the upcoming mandate. Furthermore, discussions were held on crucial topics such as the European Parliament Elections 2019, ESU’s proposal for the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG), the upcoming International Students’ Day as well as ESU’s image and external representation amongst many other topics related to Higher Education and students’ interests.
“We have a very diverse team of individuals, who have expertise in many different fields, and have a lot to offer even beyond their clusters. The team dynamics need to be upheld and we need to make sure that this team continues building on the strong foundations that it has already set. I am sure that in the upcoming months, we will be facing numerous challenges. However, I am positive that together as a team, we are going to manage to achieve a lot, for the benefit of ESU, our member unions, and ultimately the whole student body that we represent.” said Robert Napier, Vice-President of the European Students’ Union.
Do you want to know more about ESU’s Elected Representatives? Visit our section here.