BM 76: New policy papers and ESU elected representatives for 2019-2020
Between 6-12 May 2019, the European Students’ Union (ESU) celebrated the 76 edition of its Board Meeting Seminar and Board Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event was co-organised by the National Assembly of Students’ Councils of Bulgaria (NASC) together with ESU.
During the first 3 days, over 100 student representatives took part in discussions and learned about the last developments regarding key topics for Higher Education such as the Bologna process, European Elections 2019 and Social Dimension, among others. Moreover, the delegates worked together with members of the Executive Committee of ESU to develop different core documents that were presented and voted during the next 3 days. Namely, the approved documents are a new policy paper on Internationalisation and Mobility, a Statement on Digitalisation and a Statement on Countering Commodification in Higher Education.
During the evening of 9 May, members of the ESU’s board (representatives from National Unions of Students) elected the new presidency and members of the Executive Committee of ESU for the mandate 2019-2020. The new mandate -starting from 1st July- will be marked by ‘continuity’ as most members that have been elected will be holding a position in ESU for a second or even a third year (either within the same or in a different position).
The new team will be formed by:
- Robert Napier (Malta), President (currently Vice-President).
- Gohar Hovhannisyan (Armenia) and Sebastian Berger (Austria), Vice-Presidents (currently, members of the Executive Committee; Gohar has been also a member of the Steering Committee of the ESU’s QA Student Experts Pool).
- Members of the Executive Committee (EC): Monika Skadborg (Denmark), Ursa Leban (Slovenia), Daniel Altman (Israel), Hélène Mariaud (France), Rajko Golovic (Montenegro), Jakub Grodecki (Poland) and Nina de Winter (the Netherlands). Monika, Ursa and Daniel are already members of the EC during the current mandate and Hélène is Equality Coordinator of ESU.
Below, a video made by NASC summing up the spirit of the event: