What does our proposed law on psychological well-being say?
On Wednesday 22 March in the Chamber of Deputies, as Unione degli Universitari
and Rete degli Studenti Medi, we publicly presented our proposal for a law on
psychological well-being.
A proposal that takes shape from the specific survey “Chiedimi come sto (ask me
how I am)” that we conducted in the spring of 2021, to which around 30 thousand
students responded. The data collected shows that we are unwell: 60% of the
students surveyed suffer from anxiety. 62% feel lonely, 70% feel demotivated.
Among high school students, 20% suffer from eating disorders. Worst off, however,
are university students who look to the future with uncertainty and fear.
There are already listening desks in most schools and many universities, but they
are not very functional, both because of the long time needed for an appointment
and the presence of unskilled staff. Hence our need to define clear national
The central point of the proposal is to set up psychological, psychotherapeutic and
school counselling services in schools and universities not only to help those
already suffering but also to prevent. Each support desk should be run by a
multidisciplinary team with several competences: from listening to the identification
of malaise situations.
We believe that today it is essential to create a learning environment that respects
and supports the student community and to have professionals trained in identifying
and supporting issues that particularly affect our generation: eating disorders,
gender dysphoria, addictions, cyberbullying and bullying.
We also ask for support and training for teachers and staff, and for the structuring of
paths for health education, psychological well-being, and affectivity, also to
definitively break down the social stigma that many still associate with mental
health. We believe that it is important to provide these tools also to families, since it
is the first place to start to break down the stigma and they often lack the
appropriate tools to deal with the psychological well-being of students.
Passing a law to protect ourselves from the spaces we live in on a daily basis is
necessary now more than ever: it is now up to the parliamentarians of our country
to take charge of our proposal!