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Open call: Task Force on operationalising and mainstreaming of the Student Rights’ Charter

The Executive Committee of the European Students’ Union is hereby launching an open call for volunteers to join the currently existing Task Force on Operationalising and Mainstreaming of the Students’ Rights Charter, which will be working on options, tools and roadmaps to promote, make recognised and implement the Students’ Rights Charter, in a European setting, towards important other stakeholders in the EHEA as well as towards the EU. All members of ESU’s NUSes, alumni and general student population are encouraged to join in.


Aims and Motivation

The Terms of Reference mandating the Task Force on the Students’ Rights Charter are based on Plan of Work point 1.4 Mainstream and operationalise the Students’ Rights Charter European wide and globally voted at BM 80 held online. Its extension is based on the Internal Motion Extension of the task Force on operationalizing and mainstreaming of the Students’ Rights Charter as well as on Plan of Work 1.2 Mainstream and operationalise the Students’ Rights Charter European wide and globally voted at BM 82 held in Paris. The purpose of this Task Force is to:

  • Work on options to operationalise the Students’ Rights Charter and mainstream it in a European setting;
  • Work on options to map out and mainstream it towards important stakeholders in the EHEA as well as towards the EU;
  • Work together with the Global Student Forum in order to mainstream a set of students’ rights globally;
  • Organize and manage the consultancy of ESU’s members in order to address their views and opinions on the mainstreaming and operationalization of the new charter;
  • Conceptualize and write a strategy for mainstreaming and operationalization of the Students’ Rights Charter globally;
  • Work on a lobby plan and strategy for the adoption of the Students’ Rights Charter by other stakeholders, organisations and institutions and further support the EC in its execution;
  • Work on the overall acceptance, awareness and publicity of the charter for example through a media campaign;
  • Develop tools for the implementation of the charter on a national and local level.


Responsibility and Outcome

The aim of the Task Force entails working on options and strategies to operationalise and mainstream the Students’ Rights Charter in a European setting, towards important other stakeholders in the EHEA as well as towards the EU and to work on a global implementation of a students rights charter based on the charter voted upon by ESU in order to make it politically influential and to mainstream a set of students rights globally- for example towards UNESCO – on equal footing with other students around the globe. Furthermore, the Task Force will work on developing tools to help the implementation of the charter on a national and local level.
The work of the Task Force is on a voluntary basis. Meetings of the Task Force will be held online, and face-to-face, during ESU events, when possible.


Expectations and Considerations

The Task Force members are expected to:

  • Be capable to discuss and write in English;
  • Coordinate wider conversations;
  • Hold and participate in regular task force meetings held online and face-to-face, when possible (at least 5-10 hours per month);
  • Work on a voluntary basis but can expect to gain valuable policy and networking experience;
  • Attend meetings and events on behalf of the Task Force;
  • Ensure that information is widely distributed;
  • Participate in the drafting of planned outcomes of the work of the Task Force. 

Considerations to be taken into account when choosing the Task Force members (these are not requirements):

  • Experience in the area of human rights and an understanding of the purpose of the SRC;
  • Experience in student activism, student representation or diversity-related activism/policy work;
  • Commitment to anti-discriminatory practices in all areas.


Application and evaluation

We would like to encourage people from all different regions to apply to ensure diversity amongst the Task Force members and support a balanced and differentiated approach in the Task Force results. The application should consist of a motivation letter and a CV resume and should be sent to

The deadline for submission is the 28th of September 11:59 pm CEST.

The new members of the Task Force will be selected by the Executive Committee based on their motivation and CV. If you have any questions regarding this call and the Task Force, please don’t hesitate to contact ESU’s Hacks team ( or the chair of the task force (

Open Call_TF Students’ Rights Charter_2023-2024


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