PASCL explores implementation and assessment procedures
Student-centred learning becomes a standard in the newly revised European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), while ESUs project PASCL explores implementation and assessment procedures.
The EHEA Ministerial Conference and Fourth Bologna Policy Forum that took place in Yerevan, Armenia between 14 and 15 May 2015 concluded with the ministers of education adopting the newly revised European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), containing for the first time a standard and set of guidelines on ensuring student-centred learning, teaching and assessment. The standard states that “Institutions should ensure that the programmes are delivered in a way that encourages students to take an active role in creating the learning process, and that the assessment of students reflects this approach.” The guidelines that follow mention the importance of student-centred learning in ensuring that the learning process responds to the diversity of students’ needs, using a variety of pedagogical methods and ensuring appropriate, and ensuring the autonomy of students while providing necessary guidance and support from teachers.
The adoption of the revised ESGs shines new light on ESU’s Peer Assessment of Student-Centred Learning (PASCL) project, which similarly aims at ensuring that student-centred learning becomes a reality for institutions through EHEA, and assesses the implementation of student-centred learning in institutions across Europe. The assessment is based on the project consortium’s commonly agreed framework defining student centred learning and focuses on both enhancement and rewarding excellence in its provision. A peer assessment framework (PASCL guidelines) for “student-centeredness” of a higher education institution has been developed and piloting peer assessment visits have been conducted during May. The PASCL guidelines aim to serve as a guiding tool in implementing the evaluation of student-centred learning in quality assurance procedures via the newly revised ESGs.
For more information on the revised European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, as well as standard 1.3, dedicated to student-centred learning, please check
Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) approved by the Ministerial Conference in May 2015
For a comprehensive and up-to-date overview on the situation in Europe regarding student-centred learning, please check “Overview on Student-Centred Learning in Higher Education in Europe”