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Small acts matter! Join the campaign against contemporary forms of fascism and antisemitism

On 9 November 1938, Europe was experiencing “Kristallnacht”, which was the debut of the largest genocides in human history. Now, in 2015, hate crime is again on the rise all over Europe. Right-wing extremists set fire to asylum detention centres. Fascist groups again search for scapegoats, and encourage us to hate our neighbour.

We need to make sure the past is not forgotten. We must be aware that the Holocaust happened with the silent acceptance and support of the broad majority. Hatred is an attack against society at large, and a force that separates communities along ethnic, religious, cultural, political and supposed racial lines.

Every year around 9 November, the UNITED network coordinates the International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism, and calls upon the international community to bring an end to hate. NGOs, community organisations, schools, local municipalities etc are asked to join forces and confront hate with direct action.  

What can you do?

  • Firstly, it is important to remember that even small acts can change the world. We all have the power to overcome our ignorance and fears, and to influence our friends, family and community. 
  • The internet and social media make it easier to spread the word and create a counter-discourse if needed. You can organise activities, like the Facebook page, check the website and support others spread messages of solidarity.
  • Order free campaign material on the campaign site and inform UNITED network about planned actions. Your activities will be published and will contribute to the creation of a strong and diverse European-wide message against fascism, and hate.


Take a deeper look…

To value and enjoy diversity, one should understand that no one is less than somebody else. Have a look at the language we use and the assumptions we make about others. You might like to ask yourself the following questions:

  • How quickly I am with labelling people, e.g. as ‘illegals’, ‘migrants’, ‘violent’, ‘criminal’, ‘lazy’, ‘dishonest’, ‘stupid’ etc.?
  • Do I tell jokes about ‘gays’, ‘Muslims’, ‘Jews’, ‘Roma’ etc.?
  • On what information do I base my assumptions about others and where does this information come from?
  • Do I know first-hand information from people who belong to a minority group, who are victimised or who have a different cultural background or religion?
  • Do I understand the socio-economic forces that prevent certain groups to come out of poverty, or do I simply think that those people are ‘lazy’, ‘stupid’ or ‘dishonest’.
  • Do I have the courage to speak up against discrimination – in a public context, but also in the circle of friends?

Source and more information:

More information:

LIKE! – and follow the campaign.
ORDER! – UNITED can send you 2 kilos of free campaign material
JOIN – organise a simple local or online event around the International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism
INFORM! – us about your activity
TWEET! – about your activity with #dayagainstfascism


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