ESU disappointed at further restrictions on international students studying at UK universities
The European Students’ Union (ESU) supports the National Union of Students in UK (NUS UK) in expressing concern at the recent announcement by the UK government home secretary, which proposes to place further restrictions on international students studying at UK universities.
International students make valuable contributions to UK universities and society, while also furthering intercultural understanding and cooperation amongst students and their communities.
Beth Button, executive committee member of ESU says: “We live in a globalised world where isolation is not an option. International students enrich our societies and should be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve, not be unfairly discriminated against. We are disappointed to see that the UK government choose a path that goes against the values of openness and multiculturalism- a path which will most likely have negative consequences on the quality of higher education for national students as well.”
Through an already hostile immigration system, the removal of the post study work visa, restrictions on housing eligibility through landlord convictions, and now further limitations on higher education, the UK government are sending a clear message to international students, and it’s not a welcoming one. ESU supports NUS UK is their opposition to these, and all attacks, on the rights and status of international students.