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EQUIP project moves to its second phase of activities

On 6-7 June, the EQUIP project organised its final training workshop on the ESG 2015, after two other workshops and two webinars. Over the past six months, under the framework of EQUIP project, five events brought together representatives from higher education institutions and Quality Assurance agencies, as well as students and voices from the labour market to discuss and share good practices on topics such as internal and external quality assurance, student-centred learning and the review and monitoring of programmes.

To support stakeholders in their transition from the previous European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) – introduced in 2005 –  to the current version (2015), the project consortium has also published a comparative analysis explaining the changes and the reasons behind them.

A wide range of training materials on the ESG 2015 as well as all documentation from the events (recordings, presentations etc) are available on the project website.

In the second phase of activities, the project will run focus groups to examine in more depth possible solutions to the challenges posed by quality assurance. All the information gathered through the project will contribute towards a study and recommendations to be published at the end of 2017.


The EQUIP project (Enhancing quality through innovative policy and practice) aims to support higher education stakeholders in meeting the challenges arising from the introduction of the ESG 2015. The project is coordinated by  EURASHE and also includes as partners EUA, ENQA, ESU, EQAR, EI, UiO and CCISP.


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