Welcome to the new ESIB Website
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the new ESIB website! An ever growing organisation like ESIB – the representative body of 45 national unions of students in Europe – needs a flexible and dynamic website that can services its communication requirements.
Thus, we aim to have an up-to-date website that will bring you the latest news, policies and information on the European Student Movement and the European Higher Education arena.
Furthermore, ESIB will be issuing two new newsletters – one which will be news based and another which will be topic based. These publications aim to create not only an information flow amongst those interested in European Higher education but also encourage debate on specific education-related hot topics that are effecting our lives.
Yet this is only the beginning.
ESIB needs to move forward and be up-to-date with an ever-increasing technological world. I am talking about e-learning courses to help student representative access the knowledge needed to better represent students on both a European and national level. I am talking about online-viewable books and the streaming of ESIB events so that knowledge and information can be easily accessible to as many people as possible. All this, and more, is on our agenda – but we need to take things one step at a time in order to build a successful communication structure.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank those people that made this website possible, namely Gerard Said, Anthony Camilleri and the ESIB secretariat, namely our new Information and Communication Officer, Bea Uhart.