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Apply for a SiS Catalyst internship before 10 September

BRUSSELS – Within the framework of the SiS Catalyst Project and in its position as work package leader, the European Students’ Union is pleased to announce five open positions for internships in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Turkey for the period September-December 2013.

The internships should last up to three months and be performed according to the requirements of the host organisations.

As a rule, all selected interns will receive a limited financial support from the host organisations that can (partially) cover the expenses for housing, food and travel.

Please read the information below on each project before applying.

How to apply

Interested students may apply by sending a Motivation Letter and a CV in European format to not later than at midnight (CET) on 10 September 2013.

Please mention in the subject line of your e-mails ‘Internship’ followed by the number of the project (from 1 to 4) as described in the Call for applications above.

Please mention in your motivation letter if your university has the practice to award credits for internships as this will be considered as an advantage. If so, please provide the contact details of the competent expert in students’ mobility at your university.

For the purposes of the SiSCatalyst project, the internships are envisaged to stimulate youth mobility. This is why; applicants for the internships shall be incoming students from a country and nationality different from the one where the host organisation is located (for example, only non-UK nationals and residents may apply for the internship in UK)

An Europass CV form can be downloaded here:

For more information about the SiS Catalyst project, please visit

Project 1


Space Scoop: Science News Syndication for Young Children

Host Organisation:
Leiden Observatory/Leiden University, The Netherlands
Proposed period:
12 weeks within the period 15 September- 30 December 2013
Profile of the intern and description of tasks:

The incoming student should be a proactive, curious person with a passion for science and excellent language skills in English- both orally and in writing and notably interested in manifold aspects of Science in Society (SiS) and science communication in general.

It is desirable that students-applicants are in their last year of studies- bachelor or masters.

Tasks for the intern:

The main focus of the internship is to expand the concept of Space Scoop to a diverse range of media platforms and syndicate the content. Media platforms for kids, both old (books, magazines) and new (social networks), are completely different to the ones that grown-ups are used to. Facebook, as well as other top new media, isn’t the most popular websites used by children. During the internship the student will explore the different popular news channels that are available for children and how science can have a higher presence in them. It will also investigate the best way to improve the syndication and distribution of science content produced for, and by, children to mainstream children’s media.
The project is mainly office-based and dependent on the student’s work and creativity of solution. The UNAWE team is experienced in the topics addressed and will provide the right guidance to the intern.

The intern’s tasks are:
•    Research: Phase 1 (3 weeks)
o    Research providers of science content by/for children
o    Research media channels for children
o    Investigate the way that new scientific discoveries can be better disseminated to children
•    Development: Phase 2 (6 weeks)
o    Develop a syndication model for relevant scientific news for children
o    Mock-up the syndication model
o    Look at solutions for the multilingual support
•    Reporting: Phase 3 (3 weeks)
o    Provide recommendations on the future steps for the implementation of the syndication model

Project 2


Universe in a Box: Science Kits for Young Children

Host Organisation
Leiden Observatory/Leiden University, The Netherlands
Proposed Period:
12 weeks within the period 15 September- 30 December 2013
Profile of the intern and description of tasks:

The incoming student should be a proactive, curious person with a passion for science and excellent language skills in English- both orally and in writing and notably interested in manifold aspects of Science in Society(SiS) and science communication in general.

It is desirable that students-applicants are in their last year of studies- bachelor or masters.
The intern will explore the possibility of applying the Learning Science Cooperative approach to an existing UNAWE product: the Universe in a Box, an educational kit designed to assist teachers and educators in bringing astronomy and spaces science to 4–10 year old children around the world. Universe in a Box was developed to meet a demand for practical, interactive, and fun astronomy resources for the classroom. It provides teachers and educators with over 40 practical activities as well as the materials and models required to do them. More information:
The intern will work under the supervision of UNAWE international project managers and work in the
UNAWE International Office, Leiden University, the Netherlands. The office is staffed with scientists, educators, designers and editors, providing a unique learning environment for the intern.

The intern’s tasks are:
•        Research: Phase 1 (3 weeks)
•            Research distribution models of science kits for young children
•            Research cooperative models for science education
•        Development: Phase 2 (6 weeks)
•            Develop a cooperative model for the science education kit: Universe in a Box
•        Reporting: Phase 3 (3 weeks)
•            Provide recommendations on the future steps for the implementation the cooperative model

Project 3


National Education Opportunities Network

Host Organisation: University of Bedfordshire, Luton, Bedfordshire, UK

Proposed Period: Up to 3 months between 15th September and 31 December 2013

Profile of the intern and description of tasks:

This position would of importance for students with excellent language skills in English- both orally and in writing and interested in the progression to Higher Education for under-represented communities and individuals; increasing and ensuring their success when they enter, progress through, and leave. There is an opportunity to invest in developing the student voice, working closely with the Students Union.
Intern’s Tasks: Based at the University of Bedfordshire the intern will
•    Assist with the establishing of a national STEM group which will address issues with the promotion and takeup of qualifications in science, technology, engineering and maths.
(We would consider the challenges of under-representation of females and other minority groups in STEM
related subjects).
•    Attend both local and national events, helping to promote NEON to prospective
•    Contribute to a weekly newsletter and assist with the maintenance of NEON’s website.
•    Work with the University of Bedfordshire’s outreach team, assisting with the running and evaluation of events encouraging under-represented groups.
•    Carry out a small research project with young people to understand how young people feel the take up of STEM subjects can be improved.
•    Contribute to generating a small panel of young people to speak publically about barriers, issues or elements of best practice linked to STEM related subjects.

Project 4


Science Communication Studies within eVERYscience Project – Media (2 positions)

Host Organisation:
Ankara University Children’s University. Ankara, Turkey

Proposed Period: One month between 15th September and 15 October 2013

Profile of the intern and description of tasks:

Available to travel to Ankara and able to arrange the trip upon a short notice
Knowledge of Turkish language- speaking and writing
Knowledge of Modern communication channels and experienced in preparing communication strategies
Knowledge in organizing big events

Ankara University is planning to organize Science in Society activities at 32 different science discipline with more than 80 ateliers during 12 hours at 27 September 2013 between 02:00 PM and 02:00 AM. It is expected to have 30.000 attendees to the events during the day and night. Besides that, the event will be announced and will be made news by 3 national TV channels to whole country and there will be online live broadcast whole day and night through internet. It is expected to reach 500.000 attendees through live broadcast and more than 10.000.000 people will be made aware of Researcher’s Night activities.

As both the event and the participant number are huge, interns will support the university team in determining science communication strategy of the activities.
The strategy will be planned for two different aims and target groups.

Position 1, Tasks:

Provide support to the university team in defining the communication strategy for public awareness in general manner, i.e. perception of the public that is not going to participate hands-on activities during the event date. Impact on this group will be created by public awareness, media and broadcasting activities before and during the event date. The  intern will work closely with other interns from Turkey (buddy of the SiSCatalyst intern, a project staff who is responsible for Communication Design of the project and the project coordinator as mentor from Children’s University of Ankara University.
It is expected from intern to help to develop science communication strategy and take action on implementation of the strategy by assisting communication  with relevant parties (media, schools, public institutions, related national and international institutions, NGOs etc.) and design strategy and process of the materials to be used for communication.

Position 2, Tasks:

Provide support to the university team in defining the communication strategy for the events that will be held on 27th of September. It will include design of the festival venue and refinement of the Science in Society activities to increase the interaction of the activities both for participants and for the ones will watch activities from media by broadcasting. It is a critical issue both the children for working on activities and the ones for watching them at the venue or by broadcast. It is expected from intern to assist developing science communication strategy of SiS activities (to refine activities to increase visibility and interaction of the activities) and designing the venue to increase science communication of the activities.
The intern will be working with a buddy who is student in Ankara University and working at Children’s University as part-time staff, a project staff responsible for venue design, a Professor responsible for SiS activities at the event date and the Project Coordinator as mentor for the intern.

Both interns will be also involved in the post-event evaluations.


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