European Students’ Union Seminar ‘Combating Challenges in Higher Education’ and 75th Board Meeting
The 75th European Students’ Union (ESU) Board Meeting and Seminar was held from the 26th of November to the 1st of December 2018 for the very first time in Budva, Montenegro. The theme was “Combating challenges in Higher Education” and the event was organised by ESU together with the Students’ Parliament of the University of Montenegro (SPUM).
The Board Meeting is the highest governing body of ESU, where all the 45 member unions are represented taking place every half a year in order to shape ESU’s policies and work.
During the seminar and the Board Meeting, student representatives discussed many political issues together and voted on different key documents that will guide ESU’s strategy and next actions: a Statement regarding the European Parliament Elections 2019, a Statement for quality and fair Internships, an Anti-discrimination Statement as well as amendments to the ESU’s Standing Orders.
Moreover, other relevant topics for the student movement have been tackled during the Seminar sessions: Gender good practices, Bologna process, the European Student Card initiative, and participants have learnt about the challenges faced by the Montenegrin Higher Education system.
The political scene is constantly changing and is crucial to ensure ESU’s participation in the dialogue with a strong political message to the European politicians.