
Stream now the webinar “European Universities: It is all about students”

Event date - 27/03/2020
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From the beginning, ESU has been closely involved in the European Universities initiative of the European Commission. ESU has focused on emphasizing the importance of student involvement in the European Universities. Students have to be involved in the creation of the European University Alliance as well as throughout the whole process of rolling it out since in the end it is all about students!

This is a position shared by many stakeholders including the European Commission. Student involvement is a crucial part of the application criteria for funding from the European Commission.

Nevertheless, our findings show that for many alliances it is still complicated to involve students, and it is not easy for students to understand how they can be involved.

Last Friday, during the webinar we hosted:

  • Elena Tegovska from the DG EAC (European Commission) who spoke about why is it important to engage students and what are the actions of EC on the topic
  • Daniela Trani – the Director YUFE alliance who spoke about student involvement in YUFE – how and why?
  • Morgan Bougeard – Member of the Student Board of UNA Europa alliance who spoke about how they created student representation within the alliance.

We helped the students and staff of the alliances to understand the importance of student engagement, find good ways and structures for it and develop the cooperation of students within university alliances.

We also presented ESU’s perspective on how to organize students engagement in European Universities.

This webinar is available on our YouTube channel and you can download here the slide presentation used during this webinar.


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