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Europass: Take the next step!

For over a decade, Europass has been one of the most visited sites of the European institutions, with over 50,000 visitors a day using the Europass CV editor and other tools to communicate their skills and qualifications. As Europe starts the long path to recovery from COVID-19, the European Commission is launching a new, modernised Europass which will offer a multilingual ‘e-Portfolio tool’, for people across Europe to manage their career. The launch of the new platform marks a new chapter in the modernisation of EU tools for skills following the adoption of the Europass Decision in 2016 by the Council and Parliament.

The new Europass will provide learners and workers with useful tools and information to adapt to digital and green transitions and manage their career in a fast-changing world.

Europass digital credentials

The Commission has also developed a set of software and services for education and training institutions to issue authentic, tamper-proof digital credentials (qualifications, diplomas, certificates, etc.) as part of the new Europass. 18 countries are currently piloting the Commission software and services to issue digital credentials at national level. Europass Digital Credentials can support instant recognition and understanding of all forms of qualifications and eliminate paper-based processes. During 2020, the Commission will work with education and training and labour market organisations, Member States and stakeholders to support a full roll-out of Europass digital credentials to maximise their potential.

Find out more information on this webpage.


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