The Youth Wiki – new encyclopaedia on national youth policies
The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), launches the Youth Wiki within the framework of its National Policies Platform.
This interactive and dynamic online encyclopaedia contains key information about youth policies in a national level in different European countries.
The aim of the publication is to provide user-friendly and continuously updated data covering the main 8 topics in the 2010-2018 EU Youth Strategy:
- Education and training,
- employment and entrepreneurship,
- health and well-being,
- participation,
- voluntary activities,
- social inclusion,
- youth and the world,
- and creativity and culture.
The Youth Wiki wants to serve as a tool to help the European Commission and Member States in policy making decisions; it also provides qualitative information to facilitate the exchange of information, innovative approaches and peer learning activities.
Education and Training Policies
The chapter 6 of the Wiki is dedicated to ‘Education and Training’ and looks at equality, accessibility for all to high quality education and lifelong learning opportunities at all levels. This section presents data about policies, structures and different actions carried by each country to promote young people’s participation in education and training.
The information is organised according to different aspects such as the general context of the country, administration and governance, prevention of early leaving from education, systems of validation of non-formal and informal learning and mobility among others.
To find out more visit the Youth Wiki and the ECEA National Policies Platform.
Image source: The Youth Wiki: