Return of the Legend of the Student Movement in Belarus
A new era begins for students in Belarus. Belarusian Students’ Association revives its activity by combining the experience of past generations with the energy of the new cohort of student activists.
Belarusian Students’ Association (BSA), which was founded in 1988, is the oldest youth organization in Belarus. BSA is the first and the only national student union, which represents Belarusian students in Europe.
Although the organization has been just brought back to live, its members already have big plans and ambitions aimed to unite Belarusian students, protect their rights and interests, improve the quality of higher education and struggle for academic freedoms.
BSA is currently unrecognized by the government, due to denial of registration in 2001. That is why getting an official status is one of the most important steps towards the revival. A group of students and experts is preparing all the documents needed for successful recognition on the national level.
All the leaders and activists of BSA have already started to conduct public campaigns, develop student movement and cover student problems in the media.
Several new projects such as “VOKO” (Promotion of Student Rights), 1000+ (Attraction of New Members), “Declaration of Student Rights” have been successfully launched. Different meetings and lectures are being organized all around Belarus. More and more students are getting involved into the movement and want to alter the future of Belarusian education for the better.
BSA is open to European partners and encourage you to contact them using