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European students debated crisis impact on higher education

Students from across Europe gathered in Stockholm last weekend to discuss the social dimension in higher education. ESU also presented the result from a survey on the impact of the economic crisis on higher education.

The conference, titled “Social Dimension –  the Lost Dimension?”, had a particular focus on student support services and widening access to higher education.

– The main aim of student services should be to support equal access, duration and completion to higher education for all students. They can also help students to integrate into the academic community, allowing them to fulfill their potential, says ESU chairperson Ligia Deca.

The conference was co-organised by ESU, the Swedish national union of students (SFS) and the student union at Södertörn University.

You can read the full Stockholm student declaration here. Click here to download a presentation of a survey among ESU’s members about the impact of the economic crisis on higher education. The general report from the conference will be uploaded later.


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