QAREER: Looking for students’ opinion on career services at their universities
Under the framwork of QAREER project, ESU is looking for students’ opinions on quality of career services and quality of employability. We urge students and student representatives to fill in this short online survey available in English, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish.
You will not need more than 10 minutes to complete it and your answers will remain annonymous. The data collected will be used in the frame of the ?#?QAREER? project and will be used for research purposes and not for profit.
The aim of QAREER project is to collect various points of view of the main players in the field (guidance professionals and quality assurance reference persons at higher education institutions (HEI), students, employers), to define quality standards for career services at HEI, draft the guidelines for their integration into HEI, test them in real settings in the countries of the consortium, consult and involve further universities of Europe within the process, and deliver the Guidelines for Quality Assurance of career service in Higher Education (QACS) in Europe.
For further information, please consult QAREER website.
The project is founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission