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Together, Moving Forward

>>> TMF has its own website: check the latest updates here!

Since 2016, the European Students’ Union is implementing the Together Moving Forward programme (TMF), aiming at building positive refugee-host interactions across Europe. 

TMF started in 2016 as a small grants programme supporting projects led by refugee and non-refugee student organisations across Europe working on the inclusion of young refugees in education and society. Student-led initiatives can show – but have also shown – a path to alternative ways to promote inclusive and open societies, to create societal and political change, all the while demonstrating the strength and true value of student and citizens’ engagement.

Through the programme, ESU did not only (co-)fund projects but took an active role in providing guidelines, advice and valuable feedback especially to those that were ‘first-time’ coordinators and drivers of such initiatives. Capacity building seminars and a “Best practices” handbook to give inspiration and recommendations for future initiatives are also developed.

At the present moment, the programme has given support to 33 projects and it keeps adding more initiatives to the list. Recently, ESU received a very special notification announcing that TMF had been shortlisted for the Altiero Spinelli Prize for Outreach, a contest run by the European Commission and whose edition this year focuses on young people.

In 2018, a special action fostering on social inclusion of young refugees has started together with OBESSU focussing on joint projects between university and secondary school students. In 2018 3 projects were selected in 2018, and additional will be funded in 2019.

We want to continue our efforts to encourage and promote valuable and viable options for refugees and asylum seekers to access and benefit from education and be part of our communities.

It’s time to combine your creativity to kick-start actions in Europe that tackle the main barriers limiting the access and inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers in education and society!

Our objectives

With this programme, we want to inspire change and:

  • Reshape public discourse around forced migration and confront hate speech in our societies
  • Inspire student-led initiatives addressing refugees’ and asylum seekers’ living conditions and not least their access to education
  • Build capacity for student representatives to be more responsive to issues related to forced migration, focusing on social inclusion and access to education
  • Empower National Student Unions to promote and advocate for clear policies that ease the access of refugees and asylum seekers to Higher Education
  • Open up to new student groups and other stakeholders active on refugee issues, especially education
  • Build long-lasting links between refugees, their communities, and student communities

Need more help from ESU?

Contact Fanchon Lefevre, our TMF Project Manager, at with specific questions. If you prefer the phone, call +32 2 893 25 48 during working hours. 

Discuss it with one of the former grantees (find contacts on the website). 

>>> TMF has its own website: check the latest updates here!


Need some inspiration? You can check the TMF projects portfolios while you’re preparing your own application for next call.

Twice a year, ESU opens a call for projects, Stay tuned!

Global Students’ Demands

Student representatives from OBESSU and ESU gathered in Geneva with other groups of students coming from Africa, North and South America, Asia-Pacific and the Middle-East for the “Global Student Voices: education and migration” forum. Together, we are united in diversity and in the belief that access to education is a human right that should be granted to all.

We developed these demands, through a consensus-based process to address the challenges of access to quality education, legislation, living conditions and building solidarity and cohesion.


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